It’s a date! Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump reportedly accepted Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera’s invitation to dine at a Mexican restaurant.
Rivera suggested the night out on his radio show Wednesday, according to a report in the Washington Examiner.
He said on his radio program that he thought the media had “demonized” Trump for his immigration policy, according to the publication.
Trump’s immigration plan includes building a wall between the United States and Mexico and ending the right that automatically gives citizenship to those born in the country.
“Go say ‘hi’ to the staff, talk with some of the folks, just ordinary, regular, normal folks,” Rivera said, according to the report. “Tell them how you really feel. Let them see how you really are.”
Rivera told the publication that he was “totally serious.”
“We’ll have some rice and beans. You’ll meet some of my relatives. These are nice, law-abiding people,” Rivera said on his radio program.
Two rich non-black men agree to eat at a Mexican restaurant? TPM: this is NOT NEWS!!!
It is if Geraldo also invited Megyn Kelly too.
I know this is silly of me, but I was wondering if any of the democratic and progressive candidates did anything today.
HA! Trump’s going to have dinner with faux news’ token Latino.
Just like faux news, this is NOT NEWS!
Dang it!! You beat me to it, most every word. Thank you.