Protestors At Cheney’s Iran Deal Speech: ‘Why Should We Be Listening To You?’

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Protestors interrupted an anti-Iran deal speech Dick Cheney was giving at American Enterprise Institute Tuesday, calling the former Vice President a war criminal.

“Why should we be listening to you?” one protestor yelled.

“My generation wants peace, not war,” a protestor said. “No more war-mongering. Dick Cheney is a war criminal.”

As the protestors were escorted out of the event, Cheney smirked and told the audience, “Thank you very much.”

His speech slammed President Obama’s Iran deal, arguing, “The results may be catastrophic.”

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  1. When someone tries to pretend that the American Enterprise Institute is a legitimate conservative think tank, remind them that they welcomed a known war criminal who hates the U.S. Constitution as an honored guest. Fucking fascists.

  2. “But it is the same with man as with the tree. The more he seeks to rise into the height and light, the more vigorously do his roots struggle earthward, downward, into the dark, the deep - into evil.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

  3. When doesn’t this piece of shit smirk?

  4. Why listen to someone who got things so horrible wrong in the first place?

  5. The guy who broke the Middle East doesn’t get to complain that Obama hasn’t fixed it quickly enough.

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