The former campaign manager for Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst’s (pictured) 2012 Senate campaign on Tuesday pleaded guilty to embezzling nearly $1.8 million from campaign funds, according to the Houston Chronicle.
Kenneth “Buddy” Barfield now faces up to 28 years in prison, as well as millions in fines. He also pleaded guilty to wire fraud and filing a false tax return.
While managing the campaign accounts, Barfield would submit large invoices for consulting fees for his company, Alexander Group Consulting.
According to the Chronicle, Barfield used the money he siphoned from two separate campaign funds for pay for his West Austin mansion and his children’s tuition.
Correction: A photo of Dan Patrick, the GOP nominee for lieutenant governor of Texas, was originally used in this post by mistake. We regret the error.
All Republicans are crooks.
LIBtarDS waNT MONEy, BUT theY are LAZY and DOn’t WANT to Earn It. It’s UNFOrtunate THat THE LT. GOVErnor TRUSTed A liBTARd to RUN his CamPAIGN. CASTRATE LIBTurds SO theY doN"t embEZZle REPUblicaN MONEY!1!!1!!!one!!!1!!!
Channeling your inner-Joni-Ernst again ET?
Yes, because ALL LIbturds ARE PIGS!
The person in the photograph is Texas State Senator Dan Patrick, the GOP nominee for Lieutenant Governor. Patrick beat Dewhurst in the primary. AFAIK Dan Patrick has no connection to the Barfield story. You’re better than that, TPM.