White House Will ‘Aggressively Defend’ Acceptance Of Syrian Refugees

White House chief of staff Denis McDonough speaks at a news conference after meeting with Iron Rangers in Virginia, Minn., Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2015. President Obama sent McDonough to the Iron Range to hear about the co... White House chief of staff Denis McDonough speaks at a news conference after meeting with Iron Rangers in Virginia, Minn., Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2015. President Obama sent McDonough to the Iron Range to hear about the concerns of laid off steelworkers who have had their unemployment benefits run out. The visit comes a few days before Christmas and as hopes are dimming that the local steel industry will rebound anytime soon. (Glen Stubbe/Star Tribune via AP) ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS OUT, MINNEAPOLIS-AREA TV OUT, MAGS OUT MORE LESS
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White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on Wednesday said that the Obama administration is prepared to “aggressively defend” the United States’ plans to accept refugees from Syria as some American lawmakers demand that the government apply stricter background checks to refugees from Syria and Iraq.

When asked at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast in Washington, D.C. how the administration will address some lawmakers’ calls for the government to apply greater scrutiny to certain refugees entering the country, McDonough said that the administration sees the resettlement of Syrian refugees as a priority and also as a policy it will have to defend.

“My hunch is that it will continue to be controversial, for the reasons the President pointed out in the speech last night,” McDonough said.

He said that the administration will continue to make the point that accepting refugees adds “immeasurably to the national interest” and is prepared to put up a fight against those who oppose current policies.

“We’re going to get out there and aggressively defend that,” he said.

“That will be tough to beat, as it was last year,” McDonough said of the administration’s focus on accepting refugees. “And we’ll see how it goes. But we won’t shy from it.”

McDonough said that while growing up in Minnesota, his family sponsored a Vietnamese refugee family, and that he and his wife have since sponsored refugees in Washington, D.C. He said those experiences “partially motivates my own view of this.”

The chief of staff also said that the administration plans to expand the number of refugees the U.S. accepts overall and that he believes the budget passed by Congress allows them to do so.

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Notable Replies

  1. RWNut: “Why is Obama shoving these Syrian Muslim terrorists down our throats?”

  2. Avatar for pshah pshah says:

    Those who help others in their time of need will be remembered by God. And those who don’t, will definitely be remembered. And that’s pretty universal among all faiths.

  3. Avatar for enon enon says:

    hopefully the focus will be on families and women with children… sorry, but single young men with no apparent family ties need to be excluded. what’s happened thruout europe should not be ignored.
    and the media’s dishonest portrayal of the demographics of those fleeing has added to the distrust of people to believe any ‘authority’ on the issue – either administration or the media.

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