FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday that he was looking into whether agents at the bureau leaked sensitive information to reporters or public figures, including close Trump ally Rudy Giuliani, during the 2016 election.
During a Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) asked about former FBI official Jim Kallstrom’s and Giuliani’s claims that they had inside information about the bureau’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
“Now either they’re lying or there is a serious problem within the bureau,” Leahy said. “Did anybody in the FBI during this 2016 campaign have contact with Rudy Giuliani about the Clinton investigation?”
“I don’t know yet, but if I find out that people were leaking information about our investigations whether to reporters or private parties, there will be severe consequences,” Comey replied.
He said he was “very, very interested” in getting to the bottom of the issue, and that he would inform the committee once the FBI did so.
In multiple cable news interviews in the run-up to the election, Giuliani boasted that former agents had clued him into the “revolution coming on in the FBI” about how the probe into Clinton’s email server was handled.
Fox, hen house, etc.
“I don’t know yet, but if I find out …"
Give me a f*cking break. Talk about vague and noncommittal.
These quotes do not support the headline Comey Looking At Whether FBI Agents Leaked Info To Giuliani During Campaign. His answer is a brush-off. He puts on a serious face and says he’s “very, very interested” in getting to the bottom of the issue, but he doesn’t confirm there’s an investigation. Why should we believe there is one?
Not sure I agree. Re-reading, “I don’t know yet,” kinds of jumps out. And seems to imply, at the very least, that they’re looking into it. I don’t have a problem with the headline at all.
The New York FBI office is pretty much infiltrated by Russian intelligence and compromised. They were leaking information to Donald Trump, Cuck Kushner and Rudy Giuliani on a regular basis. Follow the Trump campaign money that did not go to Trump Organization and Trump Foundation coffers.