An ABC comedy, called “Fair and Balanced” is under development. The show will follow a reporter, who aspires to work at National Public Radio, but is employed at a “Fox News-type channel,” Deadline reported Wednesday.
Fox has previously used the slogan, “Fair and balanced” to describe its reporting.
The creators of “Harold & Kumar” — including star Kal Penn and fellow writers Hayden Schlossberg and Jon Hurwitz — are behind the new comedy project.
The single-camera comedy will draw on Penn’s previous experiences as an associate director of the White House Office of Public Engagement and as a member of President Obama’s National Arts Policy Committee, as well as a correspondent for Vice News, according to the report.
This post has been updated.
Oh this one’s going to be snappy and fun, I can predict!
Fox still owns the trademark.
Really?! They’ve registered that?
I would check with Trump first.
Bo Derek is rumored to play Sean Hannity in this new project.