Christie On Same-Sex Marriage: ‘Let The People Decide’

FILE - New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks during the Clinton Global Initiative America's meeting, Friday, June, 14, 2013, in Chicago.
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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) said in an interview that aired Sunday that he thinks the state should hold a voter referendum on the issue of gay marriage.

Asked in an interview with CBS’ “Sunday Morning” if he believed in same-sex marriage, Christie said he did not.

“But what I will tell you is that I understand that good people of good will have a difference of opinion on this,” he added. “And so my view on it is, put it on the ballot. Let the people decide.”

The interview aired just two days after a New Jersey superior court judge ruled that same-sex couples must be allowed to marry in the state starting Oct. 21, since those couples were denied federal benefits under New Jersey’s civil union law. Christie vowed to appeal the ruling to the state Supreme Court. 

Clarification: This post has been updated to show that the interview aired Sunday. It was pre-taped.

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