Fiorina: Border Walls Aren’t ‘Particularly Effective’

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive speaks during an education summit Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015, in Londonderry, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
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Carly Fiorina on Tuesday dismissed recent calls by her fellow Republican presidential candidates for walls at both the southern and northern borders of the United States.

During an interview on Tuesday, radio host Michael Medved asked Fiorina about Walker’s suggestion that a wall at the U.S.-Canada border is a “legitimate issue,” which he has since walked back.

“I don’t think walls are particularly effective,” she responded, according to audio highlighted by Buzzfeed News. “I mean, if that’s what it took to do it, I would do it, north or south. But I think technology has advanced to the point where it is far quicker, far less expensive, and actually far more effective to deploy technology.”

But she added that she thinks there are serious security concerns at the northern border that should be addressed.

“I do think we need to be focused on our northern border as well,” Fiorina said. “I will tell you, having been up around that border a lot, that we’ve invested a lot of money in that border since 9/11 and it’s one of the mysteries of an ineffective bureaucracy that the federal government has become that sometimes — too often, frankly — spending the money doesn’t seem to translate into any results which is part of the set of problems we’ve got to solve.”

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Notable Replies

  1. She need not worry. If she gets elected, both Canada and Mexico will build walls to keep Americans from fleeing there.

  2. Of course they aren’t. But thanks for embracing a position that will kill your media-created and inflated “surge” in the GOP primary.

    (evil grin)

  3. Ha!

    Maybe that is Trump’s secret plan to get the Mexicans to pay for the wall. Him getting elected and the carnage he will reap on the nation will make our neighbors to the North and South want to keep Americans out of their country as a result.

  4. Showing those CEO skills that got her shit-canned, I see.

  5. Well, of course, DUH!

    Walls are stoopid idea; bar codes and implanted chips are the way to go…

    Wait a minute - is she saying that the US is spending lots of money on the northern border
    to keep the Canadians out but that isn’t working? I wonder how Stephen Harper (severe conservative that he is) is taking to all this trash talk?? Seeing as Canadian elections will be happening in October, I wonder if any pols will be bringing the subject up?

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