“Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski confronted Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum on Monday by asking why he won’t address the growing problem of white men committing gun violence in America if he is so worried about terrorism.
“Why aren’t you working on white men with guns?” Brzezinski asked the former Pennsylvania senator after he chastised American Muslims for not speaking out against their religion’s radical factions.
“I mean, come on, Rick Santorum. You know better, you’re a smart guy,” she continued. “You’re telling Muslim-Americans they all need to come out and talk about the tiny percentage of their community that has quite frankly wreaked havoc but yet you look at the data of white men with guns wreaking havoc on this country. Why aren’t white men all coming froward? Why don’t you call on them to do that? I mean, come on.”
Santorum said he is “doing a lot of things to solve gun violence,” to which Brzezinski replied, “You’re ringing bells.”
Watch the exchange, from MSNBC, at 3:30:
Fox: Typical liberal agenda here; White men are being pushed to back of the bus. All they are doing is exercising their 2nd amendment right. Why is Santorum so weak?
Where did she ever get the idea he’s a smart guy?
When someone says you’re a smart guy, it nearly always means the opposite.
Bold move…she notched up from totally useless to almost completely useless…
Santorum? Does anyone consider him a candidate other than himself? He’s polling at 0 % and that’s about what his opinions are worth too.
What Ms. Brzszinski failed to point out was American Muslims addressing the issue will change nothing. Santorum knows that. What it does is shame Muslims and that’s what Santorum wants.