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Black Lives Matter Activist To Clinton: ‘Apologize For Mass Incarceration’ (VIDEO)

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A Black Lives Matter activist interrupted Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s speech at a private fundraiser Wednesday in Charleston, South Carolina and asked her to apologize for mass incarceration.

The former secretary of state at first told the protestor that they would talk, but then she repeatedly asked the protester to let her speak before the protester was escorted out of the event by security.

The protester had approached where Clinton was speaking and held up a sign reading “We have to bring them to heel,” a reference to a speech Clinton gave in 1996 where she spoke about gangs.

“They’re not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called super-predators,” she said at the time, according to an edited clip of the speech. “No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”

Once Clinton caught sight of the protester, she walked over to read her sign. At that point, the demonstrator told her: “We want you to apologize for mass incarceration.”

“OK, we’ll talk about it,” Clinton responded.

The protester kept speaking and said she wasn’t a “super-predator.”

“Well, can I talk? Maybe you should listen to what I say,” Clinton said as the protester was approached by security. “Do you want to hear the facts or do you just want to talk?”

Eventually the protester was escorted out of the room. The encounter came ahead of Saturday’s Democratic primary in South Carolina.

Watch below:

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  1. ANd GOOd MUsliMS aLL NEEd to APOLOGize FOr the acTIONs of the SUICIDers. THen THEy should be Rounded UP and repatriated. LIke they Should DO WIth MExican ANchor babies, MInorities and COLLEge Students. We CAn’t TAKE Eight MORE YEars OF OHBUmmer’s FAILEd POLICIEs!1!11!1!!1one11!!!

  2. Avatar for mantan mantan says:

    It’s stupid nonsense like this that makes me regret my association with BLM…

  3. Hillary was a busy little bee in the 90’s writing NAFTA and mass incarcerating people. That’s probably why she has so much to discuss at private fundraisers.

  4. Avatar for tesla tesla says:

    “You know what, no one’s ever asked me before. You’re the first person to ask me.”

    What was the question the woman asked her? I couldn’t understand because of the background noise.

    I think the activist was worried about what would happen, but it all went fairly well. Compare the gentle treatment she received to the treatment from security and and attendees at donald rallies. I hope Ms. Clinton follows up with her, because “bring to heel” is a denigrating remark, even in context.

    The Clinton statement is: “They are not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘super-predators.’ No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.” The statement was made concerning her advocacy in favor of the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. Even considering context, it’s still a disquieting choice of words.

  5. What office did Hillary Clinton occupy in 1996? Asking her to answer for her husband’s decisions is patronizing and sexist.

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