Maher: GOP Panders On Texas Takeover Because ‘Crazy Is A Constituency’

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Comedian Bill Maher addressed the conspiracy theorists who believe a standard military training exercise called “Jade Helm 15” is an attempt to institute martial law and take over Texas.

On Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” he blasted the conservatives who fear a Texas takeover.

“In today’s Republican Party, you can’t call out nutty people for being nutty because — they’re not a small group,” Maher said. “In the Republican Party ‘crazy’ is a constituency.”

Maher then sharply criticized Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) decision to have the State Guard monitor the U.S. military, which he said is, “you know, our former ally.”

Maher also ridiculed 2016 Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). The “former sane person,” as Maher called him, said he would look into Jade Helm 15 when asked about the possibility of a Texas takeover.

“Look into what?!” Maher said. “Whether Obama’s planning to invade Texas? Great, while you’re at it, can you please see if the Supreme Court is run by lizard people?”

His analysis of the theories surrounding Jade Helm 15 then turned into a rant against “rural, white people.”

“You rural, white people who are always saying things like ‘Don’t mess with Texas,’ let me tell you something,” Maher said. “You are among the most left alone, least messed with people on the planet. You can carry an assault rifle into Chili’s — what more do you want? The right to do it shirtless? You’re practically your own independent country now! You’ve outlawed abortion. You’ve gutted government regulation. You’re armed to the teeth. You’re the white Somalia!”

“Stop worrying about getting sucked into the new world order — you’re barely in the current world order,” Maher continued. “And the only reason we conduct military exercises in your area is there’s no chance of accidentally damaging anything anybody cares about.”

Watch the video below, courtesy of HBO:

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