Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) on Sunday said President Donald Trump’s abrupt termination of former FBI Director James Comey “exacerbates the erosion of trust” in government institutions.
Speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Sasse said he was “disappointed in the timing” of Comey’s termination.
“Why do you think James Comey was fired?” John Dickerson asked.
“I’m not sure how this president makes lots of decisions, so I honestly don’t know,” Sasse replied.
He said the way Trump fired Comey “exacerbates the erosion of trust in our institutions.”
“We are in the midst of a civilization-warping crisis of public trust,” Sasse said. “We’re going to need to have some institutions that we can rely on and believe are apolitical, when the public has more and more doubt.”
2017’s Barry Goldwater?
But nice try at deflection.
Enjoy the rapid descent as the SS GOP plummets earthward amid panicked screams, Senator.
I’m willing to tentatively say this guy sees where things are going and wants to be viable after it all comes crashing down. He’s been pretty consistent this way.
Worse than the “erosion of trust” in government is the “utter destruction of the infrastructure” of our government."