Ben Carson Accuses Obama Of Using ‘Anti-Semitic Themes’

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson speaks to hundreds of supporters at the Inaugural Basque Fry at Corley Ranch in Gardnerville, Nev. on Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015. (AP Photo/Lance Iversen)
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Retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson published an op-ed in The Jerusalem Post recently that accused President Obama of using “anti-Semitic themes” to defend the Iran nuclear deal.

Carson, who often uses inflammatory rhetoric, called it a “flawed deal” and described Obama as the “Divider in Chief.” He took particular issue with a speech Obama gave earlier this month in which he said GOP members in Congress had a “common cause” with hardliners in Iran who opposed the deal.

From the Thursday op-ed:

But just as shocking as the decision to actually agree to such a flawed deal are the lengths to which the administration is going today to tar and feather those who dare speak out against it. By playing politics with a critical national security issue, President Obama is cementing his well-earned legacy as the Divider in Chief.

In a speech at American University defending the deal Obama stooped to new lows far beneath the dignity of the office of the presidency, savaging deal opponents as warmongers and saying that “those hardliners chanting ‘Death to America’” in Iran were “making common cause with the Republican caucus.”

Shockingly, his diatribe also was replete with coded innuendos employing standard anti-Semitic themes involving implied disloyalty and nefarious influences related to money and power. One can only imagine the sting of his words on members of his own Democratic party, especially those Jewish Members of Congress who have publicly stated their opposition to this deal based on its merits or lack thereof.

Also last week, Carson accused Planned Parenthood of using the tactics of Nazi Germany, and described abortion as “the number one cause of death for black people.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Are we to think Dr. Carson actually knows a damn thing about the deal? He doesn’t seem to know shit about anything…making him like most surgeons I know.

  2. Maybe I’m completely tone deaf, but I don’t recall Obama making any anti-Semitic remarks, coded or otherwise.And since Dr. Carson didn’t provide any examples I can only conclude that this is yet another example of Republicans just ‘making shit up.’

  3. People who use hyperbole are worse than Hitler.

  4. I wouldn’t mind betting that not a few Israeli readers are scratching their heads [or yarmulkes] over this “essay”

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