Evangelical radio host Janet Mefferd said on Wednesday on her radio program that the anti-gay movement was in need of a “Rosa Parks moment.”
Mefferd hosted Peter LaBarbera, the president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, to discuss his belief that “civil disobedience on a massive scale” was needed to protest both marriage equality and the “gay thought police.”
Mefferd agreed with LaBarbera’s call for engagement and noted how crucial Rosa Parks was during the civil rights movement.
“This sweet woman ended up becoming this massive hero and she didn’t have any other idea behind it other than she didn’t think it was right and she was correct in that,” Mefferd said. “Seems to me we need a Rosa Parks moment and I know we’ve had some of those already where they’ve gone to court over it, but just say, ‘Do your worst, I’m not doing this, I’m not going to do this because this is against my conscience.'”
LaBarbera agreed and noted that civil disobedience “can take place all sorts of ways” from governors ignoring Supreme Court rulings to Christians who “are not going to participate in a homosexual so-called marriage. We need people to stand up for their faith and say no.”
Listen to the conversation below, via Right Wing Watch:
The first gays to seek marriage equality were the Rosa Parks. The homophobes are the reincarnation of George Wallace standing in the door.
Rosa Parks represented the oppressed, not the oppressors.
Obama is the new Hitler, Peter LaBarbera is the new Rosa Parks.
There, I did it. Hitler and Rosa Parks in the same post. Ban me, plz.
The anti-equality bigots will probably be like the “good Christians” who bombed black churches in Mississippi. That was their “civil disobedience.”
They’re not talking about a “Rosa Parks Moment”. They’re talking about an “Ernst Röhm Moment”. It was known as the Night of the Long Knives.