Of of the two Muslim-American members of Congress said he received a death threat Monday, on the heels of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump proposing a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.
Appearing on CNN Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) called Trump a “modern-day P.T. Barnum,” but said the Republican frontrunner’s grandstanding puts Muslims in danger.
“We’re putting people, i.e. Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and others, into the line of fire, exposing them to death threats, discrimination in the workplace, and assaults,” Carson said.
“I just received a death threat yesterday in my own office, and it’s largely [because] of this toxic environment, and politicians are fanning the flames,” he continued.
Watch Carson’s full remarks on CNN.
If it’d get him elected Trump - and most of the rest of the Rs, for that matter - would shout “FIRE!” in a crowded theatre.
Of course this wouldn’t happen if Rep. Carson was a Muslim sports figure since no one would have heard of him.
“called Trump a “modern-day P.T. Barnum,””
Indeed. And you know what that makes his supporters?
Remember when we thought this Trump shit was funny?
Please TPM, get a proof-reader.