Health Insurer Trade Group Comes Out Against Graham-Cassidy Repeal Bill

United States Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican of South Carolina) speaks to reporters outside the US Senate Chamber following the Republican weekly luncheon caucus in the US Capitol in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Se... United States Senator Lindsey Graham (Republican of South Carolina) speaks to reporters outside the US Senate Chamber following the Republican weekly luncheon caucus in the US Capitol in Washington, DC on Tuesday, September 19, 2017. The GOP leadership is advocating for the passage of the Graham-Cassidy Act that would replace parts of the Affordable Care Act (also known as ObamaCare) with block grants for the individual states. From left to right: US Senator John Barrasso (Republican of Wyoming), Senator Graham, US Senator Bill Cassidy (Republican of Louisiana) and US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican of Kentucky). Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP - NO WIRE SERVICE - Photo by: Ron Sachs/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images MORE LESS
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America’s Health Insurance Plans, the health insurer trade group, came out Wednesday against Republicans’ Hail Mary proposal to repeal Obamacare before the end of September.

In a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the group’s president and CEO Marilyn B. Tavenner said Republicans’ latest proposal “fails to meet” the group’s standard for health care legislation.

“We believe that legislative proposals that would reform and affect the coverage and care of millions of Americans should meet certain principles,” Tavenner wrote.

She cited stabilization of the individual insurance market, allocation of sufficient resources to ensure Medicaid coverage, access to coverage for consumers with pre-existing conditions, elimination of taxes and fees that raise health care costs or reduce benefits and inclusion of time for health care providers and consumers to adapt to policy changes.

“The Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson proposal fails to meet these guiding principles,” Tavenner wrote. “While we cannot support this proposal, we will keep working to find the right solutions that reflect the commitment we all share: affordable coverage and high-quality care for every American.”

Read the full letter:

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Notable Replies

  1. Trump: It doesnt matter. I made a promise and I ALWAYS keep my promise. Our health care will never be BLACK.

  2. And in related hilarity…

    Eternal Dumbass Republican Senator Bill Cassidy (Jagoff - Louisiana) and Eternal Motherfucker-Of-Them-All Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (Closet Case - South Carolina) have decided to take on Jimmy Kimmel over his criticism of their “healthcare bill”. Yes, this is going to work out quite well for them:

    Graham is the smarmiest and one of the most unlikeable people in the Senate (besides the fact that he is a congenital liar), and Cassidy can barely put two words together without looking like a sad imitation of an Adam Sandler character, but they are going to take on Kimmel, who has a very personal stake in this healthcare debate because of his sick child.
    Graham and Cassidy are telling Kimmel to call them before he criticizes their plan again. And I am sure Jimmy Kimmel is going to call them the lying motherfuckers that they are, although in much more civilized and witty terms than I can express.

  3. Where is Sen. Graham, and what has Otis Campbell done with him?

    And – even more importantly – why does Sen. Cassidy think he looks so dreamy?

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