The American Civil Liberties Union on Sunday called out Presidential Donald Trump for what it called “unconstitutional and unenforceable” non-disclosure agreement that he reportedly makes his staffers sign.
“Public employees can’t be gagged by private agreements, these so-called NDAs are unconstitutional and unenforceable,”Ben Wizner said, ACLU’s director of speech, privacy and technology projects said.
The Washington Post was first to report on the document which includes $10 million fines for violations of sharing information about the President. Several White House staff who were initially cautious about signing the document, reportedly did so because they thought the agreement was not enforceable. The agreement is designed to keep ex-employees from discussing Trump and White House happenings. Trump first started requesting the NDAs in reposes to leaks to the media, according to the Post.
63,000,000 of your fellow citizens fervently wanted this person in the Oval Office. You interact with many of them, several times a day.
That is all.
Breaking news:
Trump declared The Constitution unconstitutional.
Trump: Hey, if that Khan guy is carrying it around in his pocket, it’s gotta be worthless. Right?
Of course they are.
As if Trump and his minions give a sh&t about the Constitution.