
Russia’s Assault On Ukraine Continues Into First Full Day
Where Things Stand: A Reminder That Even Tucker Carlson’s Lawyers Don’t Think He Should Be Taken Seriously
This is your TPM evening briefing.

As we’ve noted in our live coverage of Russia’s declaration of war and subsequent full-scale military attack on Ukraine in the last 24 hours, there is a schism growing in the Republican Party on whether Vladimir Putin is a mortal enemy, or a brilliant friend. The wildly divergent thinking within the GOP has been on display repeatedly in recent days and weeks.

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How Russia’s War On Ukraine Risks Entangling NATO
Continued arms shipments to Ukraine would stoke the hopes of Ukrainians and the fears of escalation between Russia and the alliance.
A Love Letter To Kharkiv, As Russian Troops Advance
Memories from my time in a city targeted by Putin.
Putin Had A Lot Of Options. He Chose The Most Aggressive One.
Russia brings a 'nightmare' scenario to Ukraine.
Trump Wildly Claims Russia Invasion ‘Happened Because Of A Rigged Election’
Zelensky Says Biden Promised ‘International Support’ On Call
Putin declares war. Putin Declares War Moments Before Russia Begins Airstrikes, Ground Invasion
The Russian leader said Ukraine's leadership must be changed, and that the country must be 'demilitarized' and 'denazified'
Ukraine crisis Putin Drops Diplomacy As Breakaway Regions Request Russia’s Military Help
Putin’s Public Approval Is Soaring During Russia-Ukraine Crisis. But It Might Not Last.
Historical data shows that diversionary wars — fighting abroad to draw attention away from problems at home — have rarely worked for Putin.
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