ProPublica story

How Missouri Helps Abortion Opponents Divert State Taxes to Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Abortion foes praise the nonprofit centers for supporting women and presenting alternatives to ending pregnancies, but supporters of abortion say the facilities mislead women by appearing to offer clinical services and unbiased advice.
How The US Has Struggled To Stop The Growth Of A Shadowy Russian Private Army
Vladimir Putin has increasingly relied on the Wagner Group, a private and unaccountable army with a history of human rights violations, to pursue Russia’s foreign policy objectives across the globe.
The State Behind Roe’s Likely Demise Also Does The Least For New Parents in Need
Mississippians on Medicaid lose coverage a mere 60 days after childbirth. “When women don’t have that coverage, what happens is they die,” says one expert.
In A Post-Roe America, Expect More Births In A Country Where Maternal Mortality Continues To Rise
The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate among wealthy countries. And it may get worse as abortions become more difficult to obtain, say public health experts.
They Built The Wall. Problems Remain After Founder’s Guilty Plea.
Brian Kolfage, a 40-year-old Air Force veteran, faces more than five years in prison after pleading guilty to defrauding donors of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to the wall effort.
The Price Kids Pay: Schools And Police Punish Students With Costly Tickets For Minor Misbehavior
Illinois law bans schools from fining students. So local police are doing it for them, issuing thousands of tickets a year for truancy, vaping, fights and other misconduct. Children are then thrown into a legal system designed for adults.
Reality Check: Seven Times Texas Leaders Misled the Public About Operation Lone Star
As they investigated Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s border initiative, reporters repeatedly found situations where Abbott and DPS officials cited accomplishments that lacked crucial context or did not match reality. Here are a few examples.
Welfare Is No Substitute For A Child Tax Credit
Some in Congress say the child tax credit isn’t needed because Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is a success. ProPublica reporting found it’s marked by repeated failures.
I Saw Firsthand What It Takes To Keep COVID Out Of Hong Kong. It Felt Like a Different Planet.
On a visit to Hong Kong, ProPublica reporter Caroline Chen encountered a 21-day quarantine, a bevy of COVID tests, universal masking and, finally, a fear-free family holiday.
How Steve Bannon Has Exploited Google Ads To Monetize Extremism
Google kicked Bannon off YouTube because of his violent rhetoric but still sent ad dollars to his website that promotes misinformation about the election and the pandemic.
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