mass shootings

Is The NRA Nightmare Almost Over?
Although he liked to portray the NRA as representing grassroots gun owners, LaPierre was a corporate lobbyist and his major clients were the corporations whose profits grow when there are few restrictions on the sale and ownership of guns and ammunition.
Texas Governor Says Most Gun Crimes Involve Illegally Owned Weapons. That’s Not True For Mass Shootings.
The majority of the state’s 19 mass shootings over the past six decades were carried out by men who legally possessed firearms, an investigation by ProPublica and The Texas Tribune found.
Report: Every Extremist Mass Killing In The US In 2022 Was Tied To The Far-Right 
Where Things Stand: Republicans Said A Lot Of Very Dumb Stuff About Guns Today
This is your TPM evening briefing.

We’ve been covering Republicans’ various deflection strategies (if you can even call them strategies) on addressing gun reform in the wake of the latest mass shootings in the U.S. for a few weeks. You might even be tired of it by now — we’ve heard it all, blaming everything from “doors” to abortion access to trans-rights for the mass shootings that plague our nation.

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Where Things Stand: From ‘Doors’ To Abortion, GOP Blames Everything But Gun Laws For Mass Shootings
This is your TPM evening briefing.

In the wake of three recent mass shootings in America in the last two weeks, Republicans are once again showing their collective ass, deploying a litany of talking points about random stuff to clog up the national discourse on gun violence with anything and everything but guns.

It’s all very pellucid — a distraction tactic to avoid engaging seriously on the issue of our nation’s unprecedentedly lax gun laws and the need for national — or even state level! — gun control reform. And Republican Rep. Billy Long (MO) just dangerously added a befuddling new culprit to the mix: abortion is to blame for mass shootings.

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How The NRA Evolved From Backing A Ban On Machine Guns To Blocking Almost All Gun Restrictions Today
The NRA’s more than 150-year history spans three distinct eras.
Why 18-Year-Olds In Texas Can Buy AR-15s But Not Handguns
This week’s massacre in Uvalde, Texas, highlights disparities in how federal laws regulate rifles and handguns. The shooter bought two rifles days after his 18th birthday.
Crenshaw Is Now In Ukraine And Says He Won’t Speak At NRA Meeting After All
Where Things Stand: Gun Lobby Suit Successfully Blocked Assault Weapon Ban In Boulder Earlier This Month Prime Badge
This is your TPM afternoon briefing.

And 10 days later: A mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado.

In the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglass massacre in 2018, the city of Boulder passed landmark legislation banning the possession of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines within the municipality. The city law was challenged with aggressive legal action from gun-rights activists, including the Colorado State Shooting Association and the local chapter of the National Rifle Association.

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Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., speaks during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020, on U.S. policy in a changing Middle East. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, Pool) CT Sen. Murphy Optimistic Senate Will Pass Gun Background Checks: ‘Don’t Count Us Out’
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