book bans
DeSantis Wants To Water Down Book Ban Now That He’s No Longer Running For President
This is your TPM evening briefing.
Right-Wing Fixation on Book Bans is Here to Stay
A wholesale refashioning of American myth is under way.
‘Uncivil Obedience’ Becomes An Increasingly Common Form Of Protest In The US
Uncivil obedience involves following the law but in ways that disregard people’s expectations.
A Push To Remove LGBTQ Books In One County Could Signal Rising Partisanship On School Boards
A Texas county’s refusal to remove two books from the children’s section of the library sparked a yearslong political battle. Now school board races have taken on a deeply partisan tone, and elections serve as a purity test for far-right politics.
There’s Guidelines For School Districts That Want To Consider Removing A Book. Of Course, They’re Not Being Followed.