Biden administration

5th Circuit Judges Liken Government To Mob, Say It ‘Strong-Armed’ Social Media Companies
Wild Ruling On Social Media Companies Is Latest Instance Of Trump Judge Setting Nationwide Policy
The ruling finds that government officials flagging misinformation to social media companies is likely unconstitutional.
Supreme Court Bats Down Red-State Immigration Guidance Challenge In Win For Biden Administration 
Where Things Stand: House GOPers Already Pulling Investigate The Investigators Card Over Hunter Biden Plea
This is your TPM evening briefing.

Even being a Trump appointee won’t shield you from the wrath of a House Republican majority foaming at the mouth to prove just how weaponized!!! the justice system is (but only when it serves their talking-point purposes).

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WH Sounds Alarm After McCarthy Tries To Buy Off Far-Right With Soc Security-Slashing Commission
McCarthy made the promise on Fox News last week, in what appeared to be, at the time, a last-ditch attempt to win hardliner support for the debt-limit deal.
WH Plan To Combat Antisemitism Takes On Centuries Of Hatred, Discrimination And Lynching In America
The antisemitism the White House hopes to combat today rests on the history of the lynching of Leo Frank and much more.
Growing List Of Dems Urge Biden To Cite 14th Amendment To Sidestep McCarthy’s Debt-Ceiling Hostage Crisis
Putin Blames US For ‘Degraded’ Relations While Announcing Suspension Of Last Nuclear Arms Agreement
Putin announced the suspension during his State of the Nation address Tuesday, stopping short of entirely withdrawing Russia from the deal that aims to limit nuclear arms expansion.
What Pete Buttigieg Could Do To Deal With The Horrors Of Air Travel In 2023
The big airlines keep failing consumers. Why isn’t the transportation secretary doing more to protect them?
Where Things Stand: WH Joins Calls For McCarthy To Cough Up Deets Of Gentlemen’s Agreement
This is your TPM evening briefing.

Ever since Kevin McCarthy was narrowly elected speaker in the wee hours of the morning after a historic 15 rounds of voting, there’ve been reports that the new speaker had to more or less sell his soul and offer up his first born to the MAGA hardliners in exchange for the gavel.

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