What’s Going on Here?

An odd exchange on Fox News a short time ago. I know. That never happens, right? But this one has me really confused. Genuinely. Read More 

Corporate Money In, No Money Out: What’s Going On At Rep. Buyer-Linked Foundation?
Murtha, Visclosky, PMA, Kuchera: What’s Going On?
Oversight Board To Treasury: What’s Going On?
Tea Partiers Take Aim: ‘Harry Reid Is Going To Get What’s Due Him’
What’s the Matter With New York? Political Scandal in the Empire State
What’s the Deal with The Ryan Budget?

We’ve been reporting and writing a lot about Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) “shadow budget” over the last week. And I wanted to take a moment to explain some of the reasons why.

As I’ve noted before, Ryan is the Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee. So he’s the House Republicans’ chief budget writer. Later in the Spring, the Republicans will come up with their official alternative budget. And it will be written, like this one, by Ryan, in consultation with the other Republican members of the Committee. In other words, it’s sort of a ‘shadow budget’ or first draft of the Republican budget. And among a lot of other things it calls for deep cuts in Social Security benefits, partial privatization of Social Security and big shift of taxes to the middle class and abolition of Medicare in favor of vouchers which seniors will use to purchase private health insurance.

Minority Leader Boehner and the rest of the House leadership are working to have it both ways — on the one hand saying that Ryan’s budget is full of great GOP ideas and ways the GOP would kick butt on the deficit (which is a play to the base and pundits who haven’t read it) but also insisting it’s not the official GOP budget so he and his caucus aren’t on the spot to justify what it contains. In other words, the question is whether the entire 2010 congressional mid-term is going to be fought out as a colossal bait and switch gambit.

So why is it so important?

For two basic reasons. Read More 

Obama To DNC: I’m Not Going To Walk Away From Political Fights
What’s The Prez Made Of?

It’s one of these annoying conceits that at key moments people write editorials and posts on ‘what the president should say’, ‘what the president should do’. But with the recognition that it’s an annoying tradition, let me take a stab at it. Not because there’s any reason he should listen to me but because it’s a convenient way to explain what I believe is a sensible way forward.

In the spirit of bipartisanship the president admires, let’s go back to President Bush in 2006 and 2007. The Republicans and the president were hit with a staggering defeat in November 2006 in an election fought overwhelmingly on public dissatisfaction with the Iraq War. The president said that he’d heard the people’s message and proceeded to dramatically expand the US troop commitment in Iraq. Read More 

What’s In A Name? Tea Partiers Sue Rivals Over Movement Moniker
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