Joe Ragazzo

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Joe Ragazzo is the publisher at TPM, overseeing the design, product and revenue staffs out of the New York City office. Joe used to be a journalist but realized if some journalists don't figure out how to make journalism financially sustainable, there won't be any left. He also says Go Browns.

Political Ethics Prof. hosting Q&A in the Hive, Thurs. @ 1 p.m.

Andrew Sabl teaches in the Ethics, Politics and Economics program at Yale. His research covers, among other things, theories of democracy and constitutionalism, toleration, and the work of David Hume. He has a particular interest in the relationship between political ethics and the health of a democratic polity.

Andrew will be joining us in The Hive to chat about ethics and politics. Post your questions and join us this Thursday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

Constitutional Law Prof. hosting a Q&A in the Hive, Fri. @ 4 pm

Professor Michael Gerhardt teaches at UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Law. His specialties include civil rights, civil liberties, the legislative process, and separation of powers. He has served as special counsel, public commentator, and/or expert witness on all the major constitutional conflicts between presidents and Congress over the past 25 years. Michael will be joining us in The Hive for a chat on the Supreme Court and constitutional law. Join us this Friday at 4 PM and submit your questions! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

ProPublica Reporter Hosting Voter Fraud Q&A in the Hive Wed. @ 12pm

Jessica Huseman is a reporter at ProPublica covering national politics and civil rights. Prior to joining ProPublica, she was an education reporter at The Teacher Project and Slate. Her stories have been published in The Atlantic, the Dallas Morning News, and NPR.

Jessica will be in The Hive on Wednesday, August 23rd for a 30-minute chat about voting rights and Trump’s shady “voter fraud” panel. Submit your questions at any time or join us on Wednesday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

Senior VP @ Council on Foreign Relations hosting Q&A in the Hive, Thurs. @ 2pm

James M. Lindsay is senior vice president, director of studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg chair at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), where he oversees the work of the more than six dozen fellows in the David Rockefeller Studies Program. He is a leading authority on the American foreign policymaking process and the domestic politics of American foreign policy.

James will be joining us in The Hive to chat about foreign policy and the U.S. Submit your questions at any time or join us on Thursday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

ACLU Director of Voting Rights Project Hosting A Q&A In The Hive, Wed. @ 1:00pm

Dale Ho is the Director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project and supervises the ACLU’s voting rights litigation and advocacy work nationwide. Dale has active cases in over a dozen states throughout the country. He is a frequent commentator on voting rights issues, and is widely published on redistricting and voting rights in law reviews.

Dale will be joining us in The Hive on Wednesday, August 9th at 1 PM EST to discuss voting rights and Republican-led efforts to chip away at them via voter ID laws and shady “elections integrity” panels. Submit your questions at any time or join us on Wednesday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

VP of Policy and Research @ Demos hosting Q&A in the Hive, Thurs. @ 4pm

As Vice President of Policy and Research at Demos, Tamara Draut is responsible for developing and advancing the organization’s goals through research, idea generation and policy development. A member of the Demos team since 2001, Tamara developed the organization’s groundbreaking work on household indebtedness, college affordability and the economic challenges facing young people.

Tamara will be in The Hive on Thursday August 3rd at 4:00pm EST for a half-hour chat about the middle class and progressive solutions to economic issues. Submit your questions at any time or join us on Thursday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

Bloomberg Correspondent Joshua Green hosting a Q&A in the Hive Fri. @ 9am

Joshua Green is a senior national correspondent for Bloomberg Businessweek, focusing on political coverage for the magazine and Bloomberg News. Green regularly appears on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, NBC’s Meet the Press, HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, and PBS’s Washington Week. His latest book, The Devil’s Bargain, which focuses on Steve Bannon and his relationship with President Trump, will be released on July 18th.

Joshua will be in The Hive on Friday, July 21st at 9 AM ET for a chat about Bannon and the alt-right. Submit your questions at any time or join us on Friday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

Historian of Modern Conservatism hosting Q&A in the Hive Fri. @ 2pm

Kevin M. Kruse is a Professor of History at Princeton University. He specializes in the political, social, and urban/suburban history of twentieth-century America, with a particular interest in conflicts over race, rights and religion and the making of modern conservatism. His most recent book, One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America, investigates the making and meaning of American religious nationalism in the mid-twentieth century.

Kevin will be in The Hive on Friday, July 7th at 2 PM EST to discuss modern conservatism and the ways in which religion and politics intersect in the U.S. Submit your questions at any time or join us on Friday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

US Historian Willard Randall hosting Q&A in the Hive, Wed. @1PM

Willard Sterne Randall is a biographer of Benjamin and William Franklin, of Benedict Arnold, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Ethan Allen, and he has co-authored collections of biographies and e-books with his wife, the biographer and award-winning poet, Nancy Nahra. His newest book is called UNSHACKLING AMERICA: How the War of 1812 Truly Ended the American Revolution.

Willard will be in The Hive on Wednesday, June 28th at 1 PM EST for a chat on colonial American history, where he can discuss the continuing the impact the Founding Fathers have in today’s political sphere. Submit your questions at any time or join us on Wednesday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

NRDC Energy Policy Dir. Hosting Q&A in the Hive Thurs. @ 2pm

As the director of National Resource Defense Council’s (NRDC) Renewable Energy Policy Initiative, Nathanael Greene specializes in researching, analyzing, and influencing policies related to utility regulation, energy tax, and energy efficiency. Greene has written about the benefits of renewable energy policies on a state level, a topic especially relevant now that several states have formed a state climate coalition after Trump pulled the U.S out of the Paris agreement. Nathanael will be in The Hive on Thursday, June 22nd at 2 PM EST for a chat about renewable energy, climate change, and policies to combat climate change. Submit your questions at any time or join us on Thursday! If you’d like to participate but don’t have TPM Prime, sign up here.

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