Eleanor Eagan
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Eleanor Eagan

It’s time lawmakers take Facebook officials at their word and make clear that answering to the people’s representatives under oath is not optional.

OPM’s new director will be a critical player in delivering on Biden’s agenda and she should bring at least as much energy and creativity to the task of rebuilding the federal workforce as her predecessors did to their mission of destroying it.

For now, it’s just one Senator threatening to hold up a small number of nominees, but if his tactic is successful at hamstringing their partisan rival, it’s only a matter of time before other Republicans follow Tom Cotton’s lead.

Lawmakers who wish to make use of the CRA to strike Trump’s rules have until April 4 to introduce their resolutions of disapproval, after which point they’ll have five to seven weeks more in which to consider and vote on them.

Both Congress and the potential Biden transition team can take steps in advance of inauguration to turn off the flow of ill-gotten funds.

A constitutional violation worthy of an impeachment probe has been sitting under Democrats’ noses since Trump took office — his efforts to undermine Obamacare.

House Democrats' oversight of President Trump has not been vigorous enough, and now is their opportunity to hold the entire administration accountable.