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Time for Leonard Leo To Speak Up

11/28/06--The Federalist Society President Eugene B. Meyer and Vice President Leonard A. Leo. Behind them are reproductions of U.S. regimental colors from the Revolutionary War. (Photo by Scott J. Ferrell/Congression... 11/28/06--The Federalist Society President Eugene B. Meyer and Vice President Leonard A. Leo. Behind them are reproductions of U.S. regimental colors from the Revolutionary War. (Photo by Scott J. Ferrell/Congressional Quarterly/Getty Images) MORE LESS
September 21, 2018 12:50 p.m.
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Let me do a quick follow-up to the zany Ed Whelan self-immolation twitter thread. About two hours ago, Whelan denied to The Washington Post that he’d communicated with Kavanaugh, McGahn or “anyone at the White House” about his theory. I would suggest that Whelan’s words should be closely parsed because I’m skeptical that what he claims here is true.

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