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How Far-Right News Outlets In The US Amplify European Disinformation

Right-wing outlets in the U.S. can end up serving as a megaphone for fake news first published abroad.
Getty Images/TPM Illustration
December 27, 2019 9:00 a.m.

This article is the result of a collaboration between TPM members and journalism graduate students at NYU. Over the past several months, NYU students from 10 different countries solicited the help of the community in TPM’s member forum, The Hive, to identify stories that could be of interest to TPM readers, but exist outside the range of TPM’s typical coverage areas. During the course of reporting, the students shared their progress with members for feedback and input. The project was intended to be fun, collaborative, and bring a new and valuable perspective to TPM’s community. Members can read more about the project here and we would love to hear your feedback.

You’ve probably never heard of the Slovenian right-wing TV network and website Nova24TV, but some of its defining features may sound familiar.

Launched in 2015, Nova24TV is closely tied to the nationalist Slovenian Democratic Party and its leader, the former Prime Minister Janez Janša, whose 2018 campaign bid was built on a promise to “drain the swamp” along with anti-immigration sentiment. In 2017, the network aired an interview with Bernard Brščič, a Holocaust denier who called the Holocaust “a perfidious Jewish design to restrain the German mind.” It also regularly runs hit pieces against the Slovenian Democratic Party’s political enemies, with headlines like: What’s going on with Violeta Tomić? She doesn’t powder her eye-bags anymore.” (Violeta Tomić is a left-wing member of the Slovenian parliament.)

If Nova24TV sounds like the Slovenian version of a number of American far-right sites, it’s probably not surprising that it often references sites like Breitbart, Infowars, and, from time to time, the Daily Caller. But Nova24TV isn’t just a European knockoff of far-right American media outlets, it also provides a useful window into how far-right disinformation is shared and distributed throughout Europe.

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