The Josh Marshall Podcast

Ep. 192: Apocalypse Now?
Josh and Kate discuss the current congressional morass and announce the winner of the JMP theme song competition! Listen
Ep. 191: Big Tent Wrangling
Josh and Kate discuss the debt ceiling, impending government shutdown and fate of the two-track infrastructure plan as Democrats try to get their house in order. Listen
Ep. 190: California Said No
Josh and Kate discuss the failed effort to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the President's meetings with a certain couple of senators who are threatening his whole agenda. Listen
Ep. 189: Manchin’s Big Threat
Josh and Kate discuss Joe Manchin's new bargaining position on the reconciliation package and fallout from the Supreme Court's decision on the Texas abortion law. Listen
Ep. 188: Post-Roe Texas
Josh and Kate discuss the Supreme Court's non-action on a new Texas abortion ban and the conclusion of the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan. Listen
Ep. 187: Everybody’s Mad
Josh and Kate discuss the centrist stunt in the House, the Afghanistan evacuation on a personal level, and what to make of the dip in President Biden’s approval numbers. Listen
Ep. 186: A Rough Spot
Josh and Kate discuss a group of House centrists trying to decouple the infrastructure bills, the start of the redistricting process, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic of the unvaccinated. Listen
Ep. 185: The End
Josh and Kate discuss the end of the nearly 20-year war in Afghanistan. Listen
Ep. 184: On To The Main Event
Josh and Kate discuss the passing of the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the next legislative push on the docket: a potentially historic reconciliation package to wrap up as much of the Biden administration's remaining agenda as possible. Listen
Ep. 183: Burdening The Vaccinated
Josh and Kate discuss infrastructure progress, the January 6 investigation and the COVID pandemic still raging among the unvaccinated. Listen
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