Part of President Donald Trump’s “60 Minutes” interview that he reportedly cut short out of rage on Tuesday involved reporter Lesley Stahl confronting Trump on one of his many falsehoods.
A short preview of the interview, slated to air in full on Sunday, that was published by CBS “This Morning” shows Stahl asking Trump what his “biggest domestic priority” is right now, prompting the President to brag about his economic achievements without actually addressing the question.
“We created the greatest economy in the history of our country, and the other side was coming in-” Trump said before Stahl cut him off.
“You know that’s not true,” the CBS reporter told him.
“It is totally true,” the President shot back.
“No,” Stahl said before pressing Trump on the question again.
“The priority now is to get back to normal. Get back to where we were. To have the economy rage and be great with jobs and everybody be happy,” the President said.
Ever since Trump reportedly stormed out of the interview on Tuesday over Stahl’s apparently tough questioning, the President has been on a rampage against Stahl by pledging to release the interview before its scheduled airing on Sunday and tweeting supposed “gotcha” photos of the CBS News reporter not wearing a mask.
Several hours after CBS released the clip, Trump posted what he claimed was the full interview on his Facebook page.
“Look at the bias, hatred and rudeness on behalf of 60 Minutes and CBS,” he fumed in the video caption.
Watch the “This Morning” clip of the interview below:
WATCH: President Trump was asked by @LesleyRStahl about his priorities — before cutting his interview short.@60Minutes has a history of asking tough questions of presidential candidates during the run-up to the election.
More Sunday on @CBS.
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) October 22, 2020
This post has been updated to include Trump publishing the interview on Facebook.
Oh, OK… he’s pissed because she called him on his bullshit.
Rather surprising behavior from Trump. He usually reacts so well to powerful, intelligent women standing up to him and calling him on his lies. I’m sure we’ll see a contrite apology shortly.
C’mon, Leslie–you know you can’t prove he knows anything!

Oh, so now interruptions are bad? Got it.
It’s unreal and so sad just how many people have conspired to make Trump look bad by lying about his many great, great accomplishments, second only to Lincoln, if that. Why won’t they just let him do his job, which is unreservedly loving America and doing everything he can to make and keep it great? It’s so, so sad, tremendous, bigly, strongly sad.