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Wisconsin’s Failed Election Fraud ‘Auditor’ Is Now Calling For A ‘Revolution’

Michael Gableman
(Screenshot: WISN 12 News/YouTube)
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Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, who led his state’s sham 2020 election audit and failed to find any voter fraud whatsoever, urged fellow conservatives to carry out a “revolution” earlier this month.

Gableman made the push as he was giving a speech at a GOP Outagamie County dinner on Sept. 9, as shown in a video published by liberal activist Lauren Windsor.

“For the first time in my life, I am beginning to wonder if America’s best days are behind us,” he said.

The ex-justice asserted that Americans’ “comfort” is “holding us back from taking the action that is necessary.”

“It’s a beautiful world. But it’s that very comfort that is keeping us from what our founders knew to be the only way to keep an honest government, which is revolution,” Gableman said.

“Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of revolution in every generation,” he added. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel notes, the former justice was paraphrasing a letter Jefferson wrote in 1787 declaring that “[t]he tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

“It is its natural manure,” he wrote.

Gableman’s talk of a “revolution” reflected the anti-democracy attitude he took with his failed election review: Even though he couldn’t find any of the rampant election fraud he claimed had plagued the 2020 election, Gableman still demanded that the election results be “decertified” somehow (a legal impossibility).

Gableman’s speech came a month after Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R), upon being safely reelected, unceremoniously fired the former justice as election auditor and bashed him as an “embarrassment to the state.”

This was in spite of the fact that Vos himself hired Gableman in the first place and poured more than $1 million in taxpayer funds into the bogus audit to advance ex-President Donald Trump’s lies about voter fraud.

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Notable Replies

  1. Shorter Fat Fucker: “You and him fight.”

  2. So stupid, so dangerous. So scary.
    I am not some doomsayer or Chicken Little or fraidy cat…but they are saying Civil War or Revolution or 1776 every time they open their mouths.

    Going to be the dumbest Civil War ever in history. For 100s of years afterwards, the ‘trigger’ point isn’t going to be slavery or big questions or assassination, etc. Just going to be stupidity. High gas prices that, oddly, were dropping precipitously. Or ‘went to war to stop the socialists from messing with my disability payments’

  3. Our best days are behind us because large portions of our population no longer understands democracy, the constitution, the real meaning of the words they quote and actually listen to people like this guy.

  4. You forgot the biggest one: Dinesh “Convicted Felon” D’Souza told me an election was stolen.

  5. It’s like watching something you care about slowly falling apart.

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