White House Says Trump Warned Russian Minister Against Election Meddling

President Donald Trump shakes hands with Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as they meet for talks in the Oval Office on May 10, 2017. (Photo by Alexander ShcherbakTASS via Getty Images)
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The White House said President Donald Trump warned Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov against election meddling on Tuesday during their meeting, which was closed off to the press.

According to the White House’s readout of the meeting, Trump “warned against any Russian attempts to interfere in United States elections” and “urged Russia to resolve the conflict with Ukraine.”

“Just had a very good meeting with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and representatives of Russia,” Trump tweeted. “Discussed many items including Trade, Iran, North Korea, INF Treaty, Nuclear Arms Control, and Election Meddling.”

In a press conference at the Russian embassy later in the day, Lavrov confirmed that he and Trump had discussed election interference. However, the Russian official’s account seemed to indicate that he was the one who brought up the issue.

“I told [Trump] that the state secretary mentioned this issue publicly,” Lavrov said when a reporter asked if they had discussed election meddling, according to a translator.

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Notable Replies

  1. Collusion, We Hardly Knew Ye

  2. “Trump warned Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov against election meddling on Tuesday during their meeting, which was closed off to the press.”

    Was he laughing so hard he peed himself?

    (Putin: “Jim Henson? Total amateur!”)

  3. I’m sure Trump said that he didn’t want Russia to meddle in the election… for democrats.

  4. If he wasn’t aware that people know he’s a cheat, he wouldn’t say this. This is for the “hopeful persuadables”

  5. Avatar for ajm ajm says:

    Uh, huh? I need to see a transcript.

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