WH Bashes Media: ‘Never Seen People So Happy To Destroy A Kid’s Life’

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During an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday evening White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders doubled down on the White House’s support for the Covington Catholic student by slamming the media for its coverage of the incident.

“I think what happened with BuzzFeed is a great lesson for the media,” she said. “Quit trying to be first and start trying to be right. We have seen time and time again where they run out here with outrageous, ridiculous stories. One person reports it to begin with and they all jump on it. We saw it again with the Covington students. I’ve never seen people so happy to destroy a kid’s life.”

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Notable Replies

  1. Other than in those internment camps we’ve built for kids we forcibly separated from their families, of course.

  2. Gaswhiteing for the Covington mob

  3. There are a lot of events that will potentially cause me to become pass-out drunk in the next year or three - watching Hannity get hauled off in chains for conspiring against the US will certainly be one of them.

  4. Never is a long time. You need to get out more, Sarah…

  5. Avatar for eglot eglot says:

    I wouldn’t feel too bad for the kid. His parents hired him a PR firm, so he’ll land back on his feet in no time.

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