Uvalde Mayor Urges Abbott To Look Into Police ‘Cover-Up’ Of Failed Response To Shooting

Uvalde, Texas Mayor Don McLaughlin speaks during a press conference on May 27, 2022 about the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)
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Don McLaughlin, the mayor of Uvalde, Texas, is calling on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to address what McLaughlin called a “cover-up” by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) amid scrutiny over law enforcement’s failure to respond to the Robb Elementary School shooting.

McLaughlin told CNN Tuesday that he was writing to Abbott to share his concerns about the DPS’ investigation into the failed response to the massacre, during which more than a dozen children were killed inside two classrooms as multiple armed officers stood outside the hallway and the school building for more than an hour.

“I’m not confident, 100 percent, in DPS because I think it’s a cover-up,” McLaughlin said.

The mayor pointed specifically at DPS Director Steven McCraw, who repeatedly offered conflicting timelines for the attack, fueling already boiling criticism of law enforcement’s lack of transparency in the aftermath of the tragedy.

“McGraw’s covering up for maybe his agencies,” McLaughlin claimed.

The Uvalde leader explained that his growing distrust of the DPS’ investigation is what led him to ask the Justice Department to open its own investigation, which is currently underway.

“I lost confidence because the narrative changed from DPS so many times, and when we asked questions, we weren’t getting answers,” he said.

McLaughlin also urged Abbott to return to Uvalde to speak to the families of the victims, which included 19 kids and two teachers.

“These families want to talk to the governor and he needs to come and see them,” the mayor said.

Renae Eze, Abbott’s press secretary, told TPM in an emailed statement that the DPS and FBI’s investigations are “ongoing,” and that “we look forward to the full results being shared with the victims’ families and the public, who deserve the full truth of what happened that tragic day.”

As for McLaughlin’s call for Abbott to come to Uvalde, Eze said that the governor “will continue visiting with the Uvalde community and local leaders,” though she didn’t give a specific date.

Abbott, who said in the days after the massacre that he had been “misled” about the police’s actions during the attack, has come under fire himself for offering feeble solutions to prevent future shootings, like calling on lawmakers to form a special committee to study the issue.

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for tena tena says:


    What does he think Governor Passive Aggressive is going to do? What did Greg do after he froze 200 of us to death? The same thing he’ll do here. Make some noise with his pie hole and that is all.

  2. second
    I think the Uvalde city police force should be fired en mass and held in jail. Over reacting? Well nearly two dozen kids and teachers are dead and the rest traumatized for life. The school resource officer should be held as accessory to murder with 21 counts to answer to.

  3. Apparently there were no good guys with guns in Uvalde that day. Maybe they were on vavcation.

  4. Uh-oh. Someone’s about to be pulled over for a “broken taillight” and then try to flee the scene…

  5. McLaughlin is a staunch Repug who supports Abbott and despises anti gun-violence Democrats like Beto so, as diffident as his language in this letter is, the mere fact that he is writing it to Governor what’s-his-name and willing to make that public signals a real break of sorts. Be interesting to see where this goes, if anywhere.

    ETA for the sake of accuracy I’ve discovered that McLaughlin was not a strong political ally of Abbott and, in fact, supported his opponent in the previous primary so those who argue he is attempting some CYA for himself and his administration by kicking things upstairs are probably on to something.

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