U.S. Tells Caravan Seeking Asylum That Crossing Facility Had No Room For Them

TOPSHOT - Elsa (R), a Central American migrant during the "Migrant Via Crucis" caravan, combs her daughter Adriana outisde their tent at Juventud 2000 shelter in Tijuana, Mexico on April 17, 2018. - The caravan, an a... TOPSHOT - Elsa (R), a Central American migrant during the "Migrant Via Crucis" caravan, combs her daughter Adriana outisde their tent at Juventud 2000 shelter in Tijuana, Mexico on April 17, 2018. - The caravan, an annual event held since 2010, prompted fury from US President Donald Trump, this year assembled on the border with Guatemala on March 25. (Photo by GUILLERMO ARIAS / AFP) (Photo credit should read GUILLERMO ARIAS/AFP/Getty Images) MORE LESS
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TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) — After traveling through Mexico with great fanfare for a month under the Trump administration’s watchful eye, nearly 200 Central American migrants attempting to seek asylum in the United States were stopped in their tracks when border inspectors said that a crossing facility didn’t have enough space to accommodate them.

Trump vowed last week to “stop” the caravan while Cabinet members said they would deliver a swift response. The asylum seekers held firm, setting up a possible showdown.

In an anticlimactic twist, about 50 asylum seekers were allowed past a gate controlled by Mexican officials to walk across a long bridge but were stopped at the entrance to the U.S. inspection facility at the other end. They were allowed to wait outside the building, technically on Mexican soil, without word of when U.S. officials would let them claim asylum.

Another 50 or so camped on blankets and backpacks in Tijuana outside the Mexican side of the crossing, prohibited from even getting close to the U.S. inspection building.

The asylum-seekers began the day with anticipation, traveling in red-and-white school buses under police escort to a beachfront rally in Tijuana, where a steel fence juts out into the Pacific Ocean. They sang the Honduran national anthem, and supporters on the San Diego side of the fence waved a Honduran flag.

After a final briefing from lawyers and minutes before they were to begin a short walk to the border crossing, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan announced that the San Ysidro border crossing, the nation’s busiest, had “reached capacity” for people without legal documents and that asylum-seekers may need to wait in Mexico temporarily.

Trump has commented frequently on the caravan since it started in Mexico on March 25 near the Guatemala border and headed north to Tijuana. His broadsides came as his administration vowed to end what officials call “legal loopholes” and “catch-and-release” policies that allow people requesting asylum to be released from custody into the U.S. while their claims make their way through the courts, which can take years.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called the caravan “a deliberate attempt to undermine our laws and overwhelm our system.” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said asylum claims will be resolved “efficiently and expeditiously” and warned that anyone making false claims could be prosecuted.

The administration’s stern warnings left organizers in disbelief that border inspectors were not ready for them.

“They have been well aware that a caravan is going to arrive at the border,” Nicole Ramos, an attorney working on behalf of caravan members, said at a news conference. “The failure to prepare and failure to get sufficient agents and resources is not the fault of the most vulnerable among us. We can build a base in Iraq in under a week. We can’t process 200 refugees. I don’t believe it.”

The San Ysidro border inspection facility can hold about 300 people, according to Pete Flores, Customs and Border Protection’s San Diego field office director, suggesting the bottleneck may be short-lived. The agency processed about 8,000 asylum cases from October through February, or about 50 a day.

Asylum-seekers are typically held for up to three days at the border and then turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. If they pass an asylum officer’s initial screening, they may be detained or released into the U.S. with ankle monitors.

Asylum seekers didn’t appear to be thrown off the by the delay.

Wendi Yaneri Garcia said she was confident she will be released while her asylum case is pending because she is traveling alone with her 2-year-old son, who has been sick. She said that police in her hometown of Atlantida, Honduras, jailed her for protesting construction of a hydroelectric plant and that she received death threats after being released.

“All I want is a place where I can work and raise my son,” the 36-year-old said.

Elin Orrellana, a 23-year-old pregnant woman from El Salvador, said she is fleeing the violent MS-13 street gang, a favorite target of both Sessions and Trump because of their brutal killings in communities in the United States. She said her older sister had been killed by the gang in El Salvador, so she is attempting to join other family members in the Kansas City area.

“Fighting on is worth it,” she said as she camped out for chilly night outside the border crossing.

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Notable Replies

  1. Border inspectors also told a pregnant woman who was going into labor that there were no mangers available either.

    (It’s amazing that so many conservatives can still keep a straight face while calling themselves Christians.)

  2. Just so just we’re all on the same page:

    1. Those “browns” are not welcome due to the whims of one man, DOTUS; the same guy who promised farm laborers to the good folks in Washington (Michigan) …
    2. All applicable law has been effectively “bent” to adhere to the whims of one man: DOTUS. Not good. Fun Fact:
    3. Real people treated as pawns. Who gains?

    Gadzooks! Lard ho? All the same names, faces, characters, have shifted to the next big: POT! [shriek]

    And now this:

  3. I don’t understand why we don’t just tell these people, “Sorry. You need to request asylum in Mexico, because you can’t come across the US Border.”

    Anyone crossing illegally, should just be physically tossed back into Mexico.

    We are under no obligation to consider these people for immigration.

  4. I think it would be nice if you’d learn the difference between immigrant and refugee/asylum seeker. There are international laws set in place since 1951 under the Geneva Convention, or would you like the US to officially bow out of all international conventions and treaties.

  5. Yeah, actually we are. Perhaps you should learn something about this topic before you spout off about it again?

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