Ukrainian Government To The US: Please Leave Us Out Of Your Mess

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gestures during an interview with AFP in Kiev on March 6, 2019. (Photo credit: SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP/Getty Images)
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his administration don’t want anything to do with the scandal currently roiling in Washington, Reuters reported on Monday.

Zelensky and President Donald Trump are scheduled to meet during the U.N. General Assembly this week amid reports that Trump attempted to pressure Zelensky to open an investigation into 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Biden. The scandal has galvanized Democrats’ calls for further investigation and even impeachment, while Republicans have mostly remained silent.

Ukraine’s top national security coordinator, Oleksandr Danylyuk, told Reuters that the country wants to maintain good relations with the U.S., rather than become the center of partisan tug-of-war.

“Understanding the importance of Ukraine’s support in the context of everything that’s going on in our region, any attempts to use Ukraine by one party or the other is clearly detrimental to our relations,” Danylyuk told Reuters.

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Notable Replies

  1. That’s a reasonable request but if you think it will have any impact on Trump, you haven’t been paying attention. Everyone and everything gets thrown under the bus if it benefits Trump.

  2. Once you wander into the gravitational field of the black hole, there is no turning back. Sorry, guys.

  3. So was there a National Enquirer check delivered to Kiev already?

  4. Well, that has to be close to the ultimate example of having a lot to deal with and someone’s bugging you about some trivial thing and you say “Look, I really don’t need this right now.” :grinning: Which they really don’t. I hope they can skirt the whole thing. They’ve actually got the receipts themselves and I suppose that’s occurred to everyone.

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