Compared to the ferocity with which President Donald Trump has approached previous Republican defections, he’s being downright cuddly with the party members likely to force him into his first ever veto.
According to a Monday Politico report, Trump is not personally lobbying Republicans leaning against supporting his declaration.
“He says he understands where I’m coming from. And he didn’t tell me we would never play golf again. So, I think we’re okay,” likely defector Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Politico.
As Congress lacks the votes to overturn Trump’s veto, the issue will probably end up in the courts. Until then, Trump seems comfortable fielding a rebuke from members of his own party.
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We’ll see how he reacts after the bill passes . Especially if it has more than a 2-3 vote majority.
since rand seems to have the abomination’s approval he’s prepared to buck the abomination on this symbolic vote. how truly republikkkan brave of him.
Right now, the Wall is taking a back seat to Trump’s other problems.
Trump doesn’t care because he “went to bat” for his base and that’s all that matters. Couldn’t care less about the wall, the defectors, the veto, anything. If it’s tied up in the courts for years, costing us all money for absolutely nothing, meh, who cares.