Trump: Judiciary Committee Asking WH For Documents Is ‘a Disgrace To Our Country’

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President Donald Trump on Tuesday described the document request that the White House and 80 other Trump-affiliated individuals and organizations received from the House Judiciary Committee the day prior as “presidential harassment” and said the requests had been made because Democrats “could not stand losing in 2016.”

During a signing ceremony for an executive order that the White House said would lay out a “National Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End Veteran Suicide,” Trump focused on the investigations into his and his associates’ behavior.

“It’s a disgrace to our country,” he said of the document request. “The campaign begins, but their campaign’s been going on for the last two-and-a-half years.”

“Instead of doing health care, instead of doing so many things that they should be doing, they want to play games,” Trump said of Democrats. 

The President said he would rather “see them do legislation.”

“We negotiate out legislation where so many things, actually things that we agree on like infrastructure,” he said. “But they want to focus on nonsense.”

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Notable Replies

  1. President Donald Trump on Tuesday appeared to suggest that the White House may refuse to comply with a slew of requests for documents sent this week by House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler, N.Y.

    Speaking at a White House event, Trump cited what he said was the Obama administration’s approach to handling document requests related to Congressional investigations: “They didn’t give one letter. They didn’t do anything. They didn’t give one letter of the requests,” Trump said.

    Trump’s comment came one day after the president sounded a much more conciliatory note, telling reporters on Monday that he “cooperates with everybody.”

  2. Oh, this is going to be interesting.

    Terrible for our country, and may end in WWIII and/or Civil War II, but such entertainment along the way.

  3. Trump’s comment came one day after the president sounded a much more conciliatory note, telling reporters on Monday that he “cooperates with everybody.”

    His approval ratings are rising like a clogged toilet so he’s obviously feeling his oats.

  4. Trump is going to wish, he had not been insulting Mueller, and obstructing his investigation… He would have been done by now, and the House Democrats would have trouble getting public traction for theirs.

  5. Why does Trump always declare investigations of him personally are ‘national disgraces’?
    Somebody ought to tell him he ain’t the country.

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