SCOTUS To Hear Little Sisters Of The Poor Case Over Obamacare Birth Control Mandate

In this June 25, 2012, photo, the Supreme Court in Washington. Corporations and labor unions have been emboldened this election season to spend unlimited sums of cash. The Supreme Court is telling them to go full-spe... In this June 25, 2012, photo, the Supreme Court in Washington. Corporations and labor unions have been emboldened this election season to spend unlimited sums of cash. The Supreme Court is telling them to go full-speed ahead. The high court reaffirmed its controversial Citizens United decision from 2010, following a challenge to a Montana law that prohibited corporate spending in elections. But the decision issued Monday will likely mean a push for more campaign-finance deregulation. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) MORE LESS
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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is wading into its fourth dispute over President Barack Obama’s 5-year-old health care overhaul.

The latest “Obamacare” case involves objections by faith-based hospitals, colleges and charities to the process the administration devised to spare them from paying for contraceptives for women covered under their health plans, and yet ensure that those women can obtain birth control at no extra cost.

The groups complain that they remain complicit in making available the contraceptives in violation of their religious beliefs.

Seven out of eight federal appeals courts have agreed with the administration that requiring the faith-based groups to make their objection known and identify their insurer or insurance administrator does not violate a federal religious freedom law.

Only the appeals court in St. Louis ruled for the groups, saying they probably have a right to refuse to comply with the administration rules.

The justices on Friday said they would hear pending appeals from groups in Colorado, Maryland, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington, DC.

The case will be argued in late March.

Among the challengers are the Little Sisters of the Poor, nuns who run more than two dozen nursing homes for impoverished seniors.

The administration has argued that the accommodation it came up with does not violate the nonprofits’ religious rights. Even if the Supreme Court rejects that argument, the administration has said in court papers, the justices should determine that the system for getting contraceptives to women covered by the groups’ insurance plans is the most effective and efficient way to do so.

The high court has twice preserved the health overhaul, but has allowed some for-profit employers with religious objections to refuse to pay for contraceptives for women.

Houses of worship and other religious institutions whose primary purpose is to spread the faith are exempt from the requirement to offer birth control.

For other religious-affiliated nonprofit groups such as hospitals and schools, the administration argues that the accommodation creates a generous moral and financial buffer between religious objectors and funding birth control. The nonprofit groups just have to raise their hands and say that paying for any or all of the 20 devices and methods approved by government regulators would violate their religious beliefs.

To do so, they must fill out a government document or otherwise notify the government so that their insurers or third-party administrators can take on the responsibility of paying for the birth control. The employer does not have to arrange the coverage or pay for it. Insurers get reimbursed by the government through credits against fees owed under other parts of the health law.

But dozens of colleges, hospitals, charities and other organizations have said in lawsuits they still are being forced to participate in an effort to provide coverage for contraceptives, including some which they claim amount to abortion. The government may impose fines on groups that do not comply.

Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Notable Replies

  1. Oh, here we go again: another parade of pious frauds who have no problem forcing taxpayers to pick up the bill so long as what issue they picked from the buffet line is given special treatment. Little Scammers of the Poor is more like it.

  2. In other words, these religious institutions are claiming that they should be allowed the right to actively interfere with their employees obtaining contraception coverage from other sources by remaining silent and hiding from the federal government.

  3. Here’s hoping the improving economy makes it easier for employees of those places to find better options elsewhere.

  4. At least one, and probably two, of the votes that decided that this case was one of the seventy to eighty out of the ten thousand cert petitions filed this year that was worthy of being heard, were appointees of George W. Bush.

    Thanks again, Ralph. Not a dime’s worth of difference.

  5. Avatar for azjude azjude says:

    Oh for christ sakes, it’s the 21st century!

    Get on board for women’s health care, (that includes birth control) or go away!

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