Rep. Steve King Does It Again, Endorses White Nationalist For Toronto Mayor

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 26: Rep. Steve King (R-IA) questions witnesses during a House Judiciary Committee hearing concerning the oversight of the U.S. refugee admissions program, on Capitol Hill, October 26, 2017 in... WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 26: Rep. Steve King (R-IA) questions witnesses during a House Judiciary Committee hearing concerning the oversight of the U.S. refugee admissions program, on Capitol Hill, October 26, 2017 in Washington, DC. The Trump administration is expected to set the fiscal year 2018 refugee ceiling at 45,000, down from the previous ceiling at 50,000. It would be the lowest refugee ceiling since Congress passed the Refugee Act of 1980. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images) MORE LESS
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Rep. Steve King (R-IA) in recent months has retweeted a popular white nationalist YouTuber and a British neo-Nazi — with no apology and facing no consequence from his party or Congress.

He did it again Tuesday night, endorsing Faith Goldy, a white nationalist candidate for mayor of Toronto.

In December last year, Goldy recited the white nationalist slogan known as the “14 words” during an interview. “Are you trying to get me to say the 14 words?” she asked. “Do you want me to do it?”

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,” she said.

Around the same time, she joined the white nationalist King later retweeted, Lana Lokteff, and YouTuber Lauren Rose in a taped discussion. Right Wing Watch described the livestream as “full-throated endorsements of ethno-nationalism.”

Goldy called entho-nationalism — as opposed to “civic nationalism” — “the greatest propeller of human history when determining the maker or breaker of empire of civilization,” and asserted: “It is a natural tribal instinct for human communities to go with their own. So the question is, are we going to continue to work against nature and try to rise above it even though we’re 40, 50, 60 years into this experiment?”

In April, Goldy promoted a book written by the Romanian fascist Corneliu Codreanu that calls for eliminating “the Jewish menace,” as reported by PressProgress.

Goldy used to work for Rebel Media, considered by some a Canadian version of Breitbart News, until she was fired after attending the United The Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia and then giving an interview about it to a podcast affiliated with The Daily Stormer, the neo-Nazi website.

Her interviewer, Robert “Azzmador” Ray, eventually asked her if she’d ever seen her then-boss at Rebel, Ezra Levant, mix meat and dairy (Levant is Jewish). “If you ever offer him free bacon…” Goldy joked in response. After Goldy’s firing, The Daily Stormer called Levant “the great Canadian kike.”

Goldy rejects the white nationalist label, but has reported on non-existent “white genocide.”

She’s been endorsed by other Americans, as well: The anti-Muslim provocateur Laura Loomer endorsed her campaign. And the President’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, posed for pictures with her late last month. She’s been interviewed by the right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

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Notable Replies

  1. Steve King should mind his own fucking business…

  2. Avatar for erik_t erik_t says:

    At some point these headlines are going to need to be reorganized to read more like “White Nationalist Rep. Steve King does it again, makes endorsement for Toronto Mayor”

  3. I VOTE in the Toronto mayoral race and I’d never heard of Faith Goldy before this. She’s that obscure… and Steve f$&king King knows enough about her to endorse her? What kind of white nationalist echo chamber do these people live in??

    edit: just to add a little more fun context, there are 35 candidates for mayor in Toronto during the upcoming election on October 22nd. Two of them are contenders, one well ahead of the other by current polling. The remaining 33 candidates, one of whom is Goldy, poll at a combined 15 percent between them… all so low individually they’re just lumped as “other”. This includes the guy who campaigns under the title “Dimitri the Lover”, and the guy whose entire platform is about flouride in the water being a form of mind control. Looking at pictures of Goldy – a number of which are of the “hot babe with a machine gun” variety – I’m thinking maybe that’s how she rose to prominence on the right-wing fringe. To be fair, she is pretty cute, though well on her way to becoming a plastic surgery monstrosity (and she’s not quite out of her 20s!)

  4. More “good people” to add to the list.

    Steve King (R-racist assholes) will win reelection easily in his 4th district in North and Western Iowa (about half the state) and continue his quest to be crowned “The dumbest Congressman in America” where he is locked in a never-ending battle with Louie Gohmert (R-Shit Kickers) TX-1st District Southeast of Dallas, who is also guaranteed reelection.

  5. When people tell you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!!

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