READ: Highlights From The Impeachment Inquiry Testimony Of Former NSC Official Fiona Hill

Fiona Hill, former deputy assistant to the President and Senior Director for Europe and Russia on the National Security Council staff, leaves after reviewing transcripts of her deposition with the House Intelligence,... Fiona Hill, former deputy assistant to the President and Senior Director for Europe and Russia on the National Security Council staff, leaves after reviewing transcripts of her deposition with the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight committees at the US Capitol on November 4, 2019 in Washington, DC. - A White House lawyer suspected of involvement in the Ukraine scandal refused to testify Monday in the congressional impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump, as three other witnesses were also no-shows. John Eisenberg, Trump's deputy counsel for National Security Affairs, defied a summons to appear before the three House panels conducting the investigation, a sign of renewed stonewalling by the White House as Democrats press to take the inquiry into a new public phase. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images) MORE LESS
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The House committees leading the impeachment inquiry on Friday released a transcript of the closed-door testimony of Dr. Fiona Hill, the former senior director for European and Russian affairs on the National Security Council.

Hill testified that then-National Security Adviser John Bolton referred to Trump’s pressure campaign on Ukraine as a “drug deal,” and ordered others on the NSC to inform White House lawyers of the work that EU ambassador Gordon Sondland and others had done to pressure Ukraine to announce investigations that would be helpful to Trump’s reelection chances.

The “drug deal” in question was revealed in a meeting between Ukrainians and American officials that Hill attended. Per her testimony, Hill testified that Sondland blurted out something about an agreement between White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and the Ukrainians: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would receive his desired meeting with President Trump in exchange for opening the investigations that the White House sought.

After a Giuliani-led smear campaign led to the recall of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, National Security Adviser John Bolton called Giuliani “a hand grenade that is going to blow everybody up.”

In her testimony, Hill described the recall of U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch as “a real turning point” for U.S. officials working on Ukraine. Rudy Giuliani’s months-long public campaign to paint Yovanovitch as disloyal to Trump had ultimately led State Department officials to believe “her position was no long tenable” as ambassador, Hill said, describing the reason for Yovanovitch’s ouster.

When she spoke to her supervisor, National Security Adviser John Bolton, about Yovanovitch’s ouster, Hill recalled, his reaction was “pained.”

“He directly said: ‘Rudy Giuliani is a hand grenade that is going to blow everybody up,’” Hill recalled.

Sondland “blurted out” a trade to the Ukrainians: A meeting between Trump and Zelensky in exchange for investigations.

Hill is one of a number of witnesses to describe a July 10 meeting among White House national security officials, led by John Bolton, and Ukrainian national security officials. In it, Hill testified, Sondland “blurted out” something that led Bolton to “stiffen” and end the meeting immediately.

Hill recalled Sondland saying: “Well, we have an agreement with the Chief of Staff for a meeting if these investigations in the energy sector start.”

Hill later testified that “it was apparent that this was code, at least, for Burisma.”

In a subsequent meeting, Sondland pressed the Ukrainians again. Bolton called it a “drug deal.”

Right after Bolton ended that July 10 meeting, Sondland continued to pressure the Ukrainians, Hill recalled, in a second meeting in the White House’s Ward Room. Bolton told Hill to go into the meeting and report back what was said. When Hill arrived, she saw the Ukrainians, Sondland and Kurt Volker, the U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, among others.

Hill recalled that Sondland, in front of the Ukrainians, was “talking about how he had an agreement with Chief of Staff Mulvaney for a meeting with the Ukrainians if they were going to go forward with the investigations.” Certain members of both countries’ delegations looked alarmed at hearing that, Hill recalled.

Hill stopped Sondland, telling him the U.S. couldn’t make any such commitment. But Sondland cut her off, she recalled, repeating that “We have an agreement that they’ll have a meeting.” She challenged him again, at which point he asked the Ukrainians to leave the room.

“He started to basically talk about discussions that he had had with the chief of staff,” Hill recalled. “He mentioned Mr. Giuliani, but then I cut him off because I didn’t want to get further into this discussion.”

Reporting back to Bolton, Hill recalled that Bolton told her to report what she’d heard to NSC Counsel John Eisenberg, and to give Eisenberg a message from Bolton: “I am not part of whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney are cooking up on this.”


Read Hill’s testimony here, or below:

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for Akimbo Akimbo says:

    So Matt Gaetz refusing to leave the room is the first thing that happens here. What an idiot.

  2. Memo to Mick Fecking Mulvaney, Mattykins Gaetz, and Lizzy Graham et al.:

    You motherfuckers are gonna’ need a much, much bigger boat.

  3. It’s kinda funny that these idiots don’t realize the shitstorm tsunami bearing down on them…

  4. Avatar for denisj denisj says:

    Seeing Trumps early campaign adds here in Iowa it is obvious the R’s will continue to (at least attempt to) control the tone and substance of the discussion. They will make sure the voting public hears over and over this is a witch hunt, it is lies from “never Trumpers”, that trump has created 6million new jobs, that he is a great president, Dems can not accept that he won and now are attempting to overturn the election, etc.

    Dems need to get control of messaging! They can not think it is a one time thing. It needs to be hourly by people all up and down the whole party structure.

  5. I think maybe this dripping out of the testimony as preface to televised hearings is a smart way to keep capturing headlines and almost drown Trump out for a few days at a time. I like it. They are definitely stealing some thunder here.

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