Here Are The People Who Got Biden 2016 Totally Wrong

Vice President Joe Biden pauses at George Washington University in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015, during a forum to honor the legacy of former Vice President Walter Mondale. (AP Photo/Molly Riley)
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The past three days have seen reported windows for a Joe Biden 2016 announcement open and close without any official confirmation from the vice president.

But on Wednesday afternoon, after months of speculation, we finally heard it from the horse’s mouth—and he’s not running. That means many pundits, politicians, and reporters got it wrong.

U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA) on Monday telegraphed an imminent Biden campaign launch:

Fox News’ Ed Henry also reported Monday that three sources close to the vice president said he would be jumping into the Democratic primary race. And New York Magazine’s Gabriel Sherman argued last week that it was “obvious” Biden was running for President, and in fact already had been working a sort of underground campaign ever since speaking with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd about his dying son Beau’s entreaties for him to run.

But Twitter users took especial schadenfreude in retweeting Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol’s busted predictions. The consistently wrong Kristol, who’d said Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton likely wouldn’t run in 2016, took another wild swing and missed on Biden:

The Washington Post was so ready for Biden to take the plunge that on Monday night it accidentally published an article it had prepared in advance of the vice president’s announcement that he’d be joining the race. The newspaper said it was due to a “technical glitch” and the reporter, Paul Kane, tweeted that he also had a “he-says-no” prepared to run. That story was published Wednesday.

Boyle, at least, copped to getting it wrong:

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for enon enon says:

    don’t forget meeka –…Jul 27, 2015 - Mika: I see Biden in an Independent Trump run.

  2. Heh. Bill Kristol. You can guarantee whatever he says, the truth will be the exact opposite. Not a stopped watch. Not right twice a day. Not right ever.

  3. Actually, Kristol serves a vital role in the DC press as a “negative barometer”. Really…you can set your watch by this guy.

  4. Totally unfair.

    Apart from Clinton, Biden, Bush, Cheney, the global recession, the housing bubble, hedge funds, tax cuts, the deficit, austerity, campaign finance, immigration, gun control, Syria, Libya, PNAC, 9/11, Saddam, Iraq, Iran, the mujahedeen, Afghanistan, the Contras, Cuba, the Cold War, Star Wars, McCain, Palin, Romney, Reagan, the New Deal, FDR, Social Security, Medicare, the minimum wage, civil rights, Goldwater, Nixon, Agnew, Vietnam, and every election since 1928, what has Kristol ever gotten wrong?

  5. But besides that…how’d you like the play Mrs. Lincoln?

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