House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) said Thursday that Michael Cohen should be “prosecuted to the extent of the law” for lying to Congress, the charge to which Cohen pleaded guilty Thursday morning.
“I just heard that now,” Ryan said during a “Washington Post Live” event. “He should be prosecuted to the extent of the law.”
“It’s why we put people under oath,” Ryan added. “Just back it up for a second. Lying to Congress: That means he came and testified. That means we swore him under oath. That means we put him on the record. That means we did our job. That means we did our oversight.”
Congress, the outgoing House speaker said, “did its job in conducting oversight of the executive branch and brought somebody in to testify under oath under penalty of felony.”
Ryan on Cohen plea: "He should be prosecuted to the extent of the law."
— Matt Shuham (@mattshuham) November 29, 2018
Irrelevant quitter says what?
Good Lord Mr Ryan. <shakes.head.slowly>
Total WITCH hunt. LIKE Corsi said LAST night on FAKE NEWS MSNBC that LYING in the SERVICE of politics IS NOT A LIE!
That’s just Republican alternate facts…
BTW Dump lies everyday…
How the fuck do these guys live with themselves?