No Take-Backs! Iraq Still Expects US Withdrawal Mistakenly Promised In DOD Letter

BERLIN, GERMANY - APRIL 30: Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi addresses the media during a press conference at the Chancellery on April 30, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. This is Andul-Mahdi's first official visit to Germany since he became prime minister in 2018. (Photo by Michele Tantussi/Getty Images)
Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi addresses the media during a press conference at the Chancellery on April 30, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Michele Tantussi/Getty Images)
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Oh, the Trump administration’s letter informing Iraq of the U.S.’ withdrawal from the country was actually just “an honest mistake”? Too bad.

The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that even though the Pentagon clumsily retracted Marine Corp Brig. Gen. William Seely’s letter on Monday and told reporters there was “no decision whatsoever” to leave Iraq, the Middle Eastern country expects the U.S. to go through with it anyway.

“We don’t deal with statements [made] in the media,” an unnamed senior Iraqi official told the Post. “As a state, we deal with the official letters that we receive, and we will act in accordance with this letter.”

According to the official, Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi believes there is “no way to organize Iraq stably” while foreign troops are still in the country.

“We will tell the U.S. to put in place a timeline to implement this withdrawal,” the official said.

The Post stated that another official had backed up the first official’s remarks.

In his letter to Iraq’s Ministry of Defense on Monday, Seely laid out the U.S.’ “movement out of Iraq” and acknowledged Iraq’s “sovereign decision to order our departure,” referencing the Iraqi parliament’s resolution to have all foreign forces removed.

The letter prompted a wave of confusion given that a day prior to the letter, President Donald Trump had made a blustering threat to impose “very big sanctions” on Iraq if it expelled U.S. troops.

Several hours after Seely’s letter spread online, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley scrambled to walk back the “poorly worded” letter, which they said was merely a draft and an “honest mistake.”

“That’s not what’s happening,” Milley said of the letter’s affirmation of U.S. withdrawal.

On Tuesday, Esper doubled down on the Pentagon’s disavowal of the letter.

“We are not leaving Iraq, and a draft, unsigned letter does not constitute a policy change,” he said during a press conference.

“There are a few procedural mechanisms, hurdles, if you will, that the Iraqi government would need to go through,” the Defense secretary responded when a reporter asked what the U.S. would do if Iraq formally requested the withdrawal of U.S. troops. “We remain in constant contact with them on that.”

“I think it’s fair to say that many Iraqis recognize the strategic importance of our partnership with them, whether it’s training and advising their military to become more effective on the field of battle or it’s working together with them to defeat ISIS coalition,” he added.

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Notable Replies

  1. Avatar for danny danny says:

    Iraq to America: get your act together, man.

  2. Isn’t it rather odd for the military to send out draft letters before they send the real one in cases like this?
    I always thought “draft letters” were the ones that did not get sent.

  3. Another ring added to the circus:

    The Dispatch reports the Pentagon initially told lawmakers the letter was “active disinformation” and almost certainly faked.
    Annie Dreazen, a staffer in the Pentagon policy office, reportedly responded to an inquiry from the House Armed Service Committee: “[Operation Inherent Resolve] has confirmed with us at the working level that this is active disinformation.”

  4. Another fine mess they’ve gotten us into.

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