The ruling Monday from a unanimous three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals deals the administration another legal defeat as the Supreme Court considers a separate case on the issue.
The judges say the president violated U.S. immigration law by discriminating against people based on their nationality and that Trump failed to show their entry into the country would hurt American interests.
They didn’t rule on whether the travel ban violated the Constitution’s ban on the government officially favoring or disfavoring any religion.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia also ruled against the travel ban May 25. The administration has appealed that ruling to the Supreme Court.
Read the full order below:
The White House’s newest spokesman has released a response to the court’s decision. remains on the parts that matter (the travel ban), injunction vacated on the parts that don’t matter (internal review of policy), and injunction vacated as to Trump personally because it has full effect against the other defendants.
Trump, of course, will declare total vindication.
But he just got toasted again.
So much winning!!!
Well here comes another ten pounds worth of junk food consolation.
Next on Fox: Is Hawa’ii a secret Islamic state? Obama’s mosque found!
Down goes Trump! on loop.