Nielsen’s Resignation Lifts Curtain On Miller’s Campaign To Stack Admin With Hardliners

While House senior policy advisor Stephen Miller participates in the Infrastructure Summit with Governors and Mayors at the White House in Washington, DC. Governors and Mayors intrastructure meeting, Washington DC, U... While House senior policy advisor Stephen Miller participates in the Infrastructure Summit with Governors and Mayors at the White House in Washington, DC. Governors and Mayors intrastructure meeting, Washington DC, USA - 08 Jun 2017 (Rex Features via AP Images) MORE LESS
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DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s resignation Sunday provides a window into White House senior adviser Stephen Miller’s campaign to replace more moderate voices — like Nielsen — with immigration hardliners at the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice and State.

According to a Sunday Politico report, while it is unclear how much direct influence Miller had over Nielsen’s ouster, he has been contacting lower-level officials and threatening them to staunch the flow of immigrants across the border, or else.

In one example, Miller reportedly had a hand in the abrupt pulling of ICE chief candidate Ronald Vitiello’s nomination Friday after Vitiello expressed ambivalence about closing down the U.S.-Mexico border.

“There’s definitely a larger shakeup abreast being led by Stephen Miller and the staunch right wing within the administration,” a person close to Nielsen told Politico. “They failed with the courts and with Congress and now they’re eating their own.”

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Notable Replies

  1. If Nielsen is a moderate, I shudder to think of who her replacement may be. I heard her interviewed on TV once and the radio once, and all I could hear when she spoke was the coldness in her voice. No kindness, no empathy, really no soul at all.

  2. Avatar for jouzu jouzu says:

    If Joyce were to write a novel about Miller set in DC it’d be called: a portrait of a zealot as a bald man.

  3. A sociopath is a term used to describe someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).

    Miller is a sociopath.

  4. “Trump-N-Furter, it’s all over
    Your mission is a failure
    Your lifestyle’s too extreme
    I’m your new commander
    You now are my prisoner
    We return to Trump Tower
    Prepare the transit beam…”

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