New York Post Tells Trump To ‘Give It Up’ And Stop Attempting To Subvert Electoral Defeat

President Donald Trump in the Rose Garden of the White House on November 13, 2020. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
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The New York Post, which had endorsed President Donald Trump, urged him in an op-ed on Sunday to finally accept his decisive defeat against President-elect Joe Biden instead of constantly trying to steal the election with bogus lawsuits and lies about voter fraud.

The Post, owned by Trump media ally Rupert Murdoch, told the President that he was “cheering for an undemocratic coup” and that “it’s time to end this dark charade.”

“We understand, Mr. President, that you’re angry that you lost,” the paper’s board wrote. “But to continue down this road is ruinous.”

They took aim at the enablers who have peddled absurd conspiracy theories about voter fraud while encouraging Trump to continue his futile crusade against the election results.

“Sidney Powell is a crazy person,” the board asserted. “Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason. It is shameful.”

The board also warned that Trump was putting Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and David Perdue’s (R-GA) reelection prospects, which will determine whether the GOP will keep the Senate, in jeopardy.

“You should use your considerable charm and influence to support the Georgia candidates, mobilizing your voters for them. Focus on their success, not your own grievances, as we head into the final week,” the board wrote. “If you insist on spending your final days in office threatening to burn it all down, that will be how you are remembered. Not as a revolutionary, but as the anarchist holding the match.”

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  1. Murdoch, who owns the NY Post, is over Trump; especially now that Don the Con claims he will start a right wing media station to compete with Fox “News”. That’s why the paper said it’s over.

    Murdoch did nothing before this newspaper piece to rein in Trump’s jihad to steal the election, so no other explanation makes sense.

  2. “cheering for an undemocratic coup” and that “it’s time to end this dark charade.”

    “But to continue down this road is ruinous.”

    “Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason. It is shameful.”

    Won’t make any difference to his MAGATS. Won’t make up for anything else the Post or Murdoch has done in the past to enable him. But it is good to see the important words come out of hiding. Undemocratic, dark, ruinous, treason, shameful.

  3. Avatar for hoagie hoagie says:

    “Considerable charm”? WTF?

  4. Avatar for grack grack says:

    This is the part of King Kong where the NY Post publishes a strongly worded editorial to demand he should stop climbing the Empire State Building.

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