Yiannopoulos resigned from the conservative website Breitbart News this year after comments he made about sexual relationships between boys and men. In video clips, he appeared to defend sexual relationships between men and boys as young as 13. He had planned a memoir entitled “Dangerous” and had a deal with Simon & Schuster to publish it, but the company dumped the book after the comments surfaced.
He announced the lawsuit Friday. The lawsuit claims the publishing company breached the contract and bowed to “false and misleading reports.”
The Daily News says the publisher dismisses the lawsuit as a publicity stunt and says it will prevail.
Morals clause? If so, S&S must’ve known what they were getting when they signed this jackass in the first place. Anyhoo…glad they cancelled his deal.
Its nothing personal Milo, its just business.
Yeah, no. No “false and misleading reports” Lil Milo. Just the words out of your own stinkin’ mouth. But hey, good effort to try to become relevant again. Just ask Caribou Barbie how that’s workin’ for her.
S&S gets what they deserve making a book deal with the nut in the first place.
Sanity clause.