Mirroring WH, Mulvaney Pivots Back To Decrying Big Spending During Pandemic

Former White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
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Former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney echoed his party’s ideological shift on coronavirus spending Tuesday morning, hammering a message of austerity and warning that the stimulus package is causing people to lose perspective on what government costs.

“We’re at risk of training people to believe that government is free, that we can borrow whatever we want to with no consequences whatsoever, and that is extraordinarily dangerous,” Mulvaney said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Mulvaney, a Tea Partier and founding member of the House’s Freedom Caucus while in Congress, said that he had put his ideological beliefs aside in the face of the inevitable stimulus bills.

“Having an ideological conversation right now is a complete waste of time — there’s going to be another stimulus package of some type,” he said, pivoting to the need, now, to focus on how to repay the debt created by the stimulus efforts.

The White House too has grown stingy after an initial willingness to trumpet President Donald Trump’s role in getting money to struggling Americans — so much so that the delivery of some stimulus checks were delayed in order to get Trump’s name stamped on them.

But more recently, Trump has balked at the idea of giving more aid to struggling states, claiming that only the blue ones need bailing out.

“I don’t think the Republicans want to be in a position where they bail out states that are, that have been, mismanaged over a long period of time,” he said in an interview with the New York Post, citing New York, Illinois and California as such “mismanaged” states.

He even implied that aid could be conditioned on blue states’ adoption of more traditionally conservative policies.

Last week, his economic adviser Kevin Hassett claimed that the economic recovery was going so well, there might not even be a need for more stimulus legislation.

“If the economy continues the momentum that we’re beginning to see over the last couple of weeks of data, then I think that one might conclude that the stimulus we’ve already passed is enough,” he told reporters at the White House. “But if that doesn’t happen, we’re really learning everyday a little bit more about how the economy responds to this.”

Per the Labor Department’s April jobs report, the U.S. economy lost 20.5 million jobs while unemployment rose to 14.7% — the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.

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Notable Replies

  1. Obviously the only way out of this mess is cut taxes on the wealthy, it’s the only way. /s

  2. Didn’t Trump exile this guy to Ireland? What’s he doing on teevee here?

  3. They’re trying to get a capital gains tax holiday in the newest package. Yeah that’s the ticket for feeding all those who have lost their jobs.

  4. What a fkn toad. NOW that they are ramping up for the election, SPENDING is a ‘thing’ even though even BEFORE the pandemic they were spending (and grifting) like drunks on a spree. NOW it’s all the DEMOCRATS fault and the CONS must launch multiple ‘investigations’ to show how ‘innocent’ THEY are.

  5. “We’re at risk of training people to believe that government is free, that we can borrow whatever we want to with no consequences whatsoever, and that is extraordinarily dangerous,” Mulvaney said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

    Now Mick, I know government services aren’t free and the next President (a Democrat, undoubtedly) will most likely have to RAISE taxes to pay for all of the COVID-19 stimulus spending.

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