Michigan GOP-Majority Legislature Sues Whitmer Over New Stay-At-Home Order

In a pool photo provided by the Michigan Office of the Governor, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer addresses the state during a speech in Lansing, Mich., Monday, March 30, 2020. The governor said she suspended state hiring and promotions and vetoed $80 million in new spending in order to steer money to fighting the coronavirus. At the same time, Whitmer said she signed laws with $150 million for the state's response. She said it's too early to know how the economic slowdown related to the virus will affect state revenue but the impact "is going to be real.” (Michigan Office of the Governor via AP, Pool)
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan Office of the Governor via AP, Pool)
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As promised, the Republican-controlled state legislature in Michigan sued Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) Wednesday morning, arguing that she exceeded her authority by extending the state’s stay-at-home order last week.

Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R) previewed such a lawsuit Thursday, when, after the legislature allowed her order to lapse, Whitmer issued a trio of new executive orders extending it anyway.

“The Legislature did not approve an extension of the state emergency declaration and as such we expected the declaration to end,” he said in a statement accompanying the suit. “Instead, we saw the governor ignore the law, unilaterally extend the emergency, and write new executive orders. If left unchecked, the governor could extend her authority indefinitely.”

Whitmer’s Press Secretary Tiffany Brown told TPM in a statement that the “lawsuit is just another partisan game that won’t distract the governor.”

“Moving forward, the governor will continue to listen to medical experts and put the health and safety of Michiganders first,” Brown said.

The chambers of the legislature are seeking, in the Michigan court of claims, an immediate judgement rendering the stay-at-home orders “invalid and unenforceable.” They also want oral arguments to be held on the issue.

The governor insists that she does not need legislative approval to extend her order; the legislature says she does. The two sides cite conflicting state laws.

Whitmer has been hanging her hat on the “Emergency Powers of Governor” enacted in 1945, which gives the governor broad emergency powers and few constraints.

The legislature, on the other hand, has been pointing to the “Emergency Management Act” of 1976, which grants the governor emergency powers only for 28 days before requiring a legislative extension.

In an attempt to cover her bases, Whitmer formally ended the previous emergency with her new orders, and issued new stay-at-home orders under both the 1945 and 1976 laws.

Any hope of the matter being decided without legal action was scuttled last week, as temperatures rose on both sides.

Whitmer’s office leaked emails with Shirkey’s chief of staff, revealing that the Republican had tried to barter one- or two-week extensions on the order in exchange for Whitmer’s promise that she’d go through the legislature with future stay-at-home orders.

Whitmer shut down the compromise, saying that “Michigan remains in a state of emergency regardless of the actions you decide to take or not take.”

Shirkey retorted that any desire within the Republican caucus to work with the governor had “evaporated.”

Whitmer later accused Republicans of playing politics during the health crisis.

The week of tension was punctuated with armed protesters entering the capitol building Friday and yelling at lawmakers while they debated the issue.

In addition to the legislature’s new filing in state court, an individual Republican congressman is also challenging Whitmer on the federal level. Rep. Paul Mitchell (R) filed in U.S. district court Monday seeking relief from the governor’s emergency orders.

In his complaint, he observed that coronavirus cases in the state are flattening, yet the governor continues to enforce strict social distancing mitigation. He called her executive orders “unconstitutional.”

“In short, Mitchell brings this lawsuit to define the limits of a State’s police power,” the complaint said.

Whitmer has argued that ongoing social distancing is necessary to further flatten the curve and prevent a second spike. As of Wednesday, the state had 44,397 confirmed cases and 4,179 deaths, per the state health department.

“Let me be clear: I will not be making decisions based on an arbitrary timeline or political pressure,” Whitmer wrote in a tweet when she extended the stay-at-home orders. “I’m not here to play games. My number one priority is the health & safety of Michiganders, and I will continue to work tirelessly to protect both lives & livelihoods.”

Read the legislature’s complaint here:

This post has been updated.

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Notable Replies

  1. Taking their cue from Wisconsin, it seems?

  2. Originally from MI. Ashamed of the dolts that just want to have their freedumbs and don’t care if brown folks from the city are impacted. Dolts.

  3. Posted this elsewhere but it’s worth repeating:

    I’ve read about Americans partying in spring break in Florida and Wisconsin protesters wanting to open up business now - when challenged they said they don’t fear dying of Covid-19. I find that very odd. Because I know hardly anyone in NZ under the age of 65 who acts from fear dying of Covid-19. What we live in fear of is being the one who spreads Covid-19. The Air New Zealand steward who came back from overseas just before the lock-down, who spread it at a wedding in Southland creating NZ’s biggest cluster of cases, killing the groom’s father and others… none of us want to be that guy.

    Be the bloke who killed his mates' families? Nah. Not doing that. ---Meno
    Too many of our fellow citizens either don't mind if they are "that guy" or lack sufficient imagination or empathy to see themselves in "that guy." Doesn't really matter where the problem derives, the cultural outcome is toxic.
  4. The businesses who have any kind of profit-margin other than gang-related types will not have the customers they want, particularly after a few weeks

  5. The complaint reads like a bill of reasons to reelect the Governor. No one truthfully can say Whitmer’s responses to the pandemic haven’t been thorough, timely, decisive, and based entirely in public health priorities. The judge will rule for her and give the Repub legislators cover from their frothing, gunslinging constituents.

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