WASHINGTON (AP) — Miami International Airport is closing a terminal this weekend due to the partial government shutdown because security screeners have been calling in sick at twice the airport’s normal rate.
Friday marks the first day screeners will miss a paycheck, and airport spokesman Greg Chin says there’s a concern there won’t be enough workers to handle all 11 checkpoints during normal hours over the weekend.
Chin says Terminal G will close at 1 p.m. Saturday, reopen for flights Sunday morning and close again at 1 p.m. that day.
The terminal serves United Airlines along with smaller carriers. Its closure means restaurants and shops that depend on departing flights also will close.
Chin told The Miami Herald that some passengers have complained about longer waits but there have been no abnormal security delays.
Yeah! It’s a start and hope it spreads to DC, Chicago, LA! Got to get somebody’s attention some way.
This will accelerate as the shutdown continues. I don’t think trump will care about the pressure - airports shutting down is a feature. Indeed, the more evidence of suffering the more trump will dig in. So it’s between the Democrats and the Kompromats to resolve this. Let’s hope that Chuck and Nancy hold their ground and force the Turtle to bring a bill to the floor.
I want it to extend to DC in a big way!
Lil’ Marco apparently has a lot of time on his hands. Why not volunteer?
I’m sure that absolutely nobody who wishes us harm will notice what’s happening at airports all across America.
G-d forbid some terrorist takes advantage of this utter lunacy and dereliction of sacred duty to keep us safe.
Tell me again: Why do people claim we should trust Republicans more than Democrats on national security…?